Faith in fakes, frauds, phonies, fools, cons, and charlatans.
by whereami 14 Replies latest jw friends
No comments necessary. The video speaks for itself.
Sure does.
Tax them, tax them, tax them.
Mad Sweeney
JWs will use crap like this to show they're nothing like "Babylon the Great."
I bent over and got suckered with the rest of them.
Religion is ALL about the money. Without money organised religion ceases.
And tax them again! Then tax the tax.
The world is full of pastors/priests/elders/imams/rabbis, etc. who live on the backs of the stupid...errr....faithful.
Is there any way to show a parallel to this video with the WT? Are there any receipts like with Benny Hinn?
The world of men is full of deception and trickery. Trying to ensnare others and gain the upper hand, each seeking their own advantage. Religion, government and individuals do this.
Of course so does the whole animal kingdom, of which we are a part. Using camouflage, webs, poison, disguise and sheer strength, each creature seeks to kill and often eat anything weaker than itself. It's called the law of the jungle.
Not a pretty picture. Getting angry at the god that created all this violent and selfish world would be justified but I won't for two reasons.
1) No such god exists.
2) The world with all its faults, works well for me and I do so enjoy a rare steak.