Perusing the free Watchtower i got yesterday

by AuntBee 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AuntBee

    I said i had no cash on me, i wasn't lying.

    In the article (3-1-11) entitled What is God's Kingdom, there is a paragraph about Christendom's confusing explanation of what the kingdom of God is. The last 'confusing' explanation listed says, "The kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy from the Holy Spirit" as quoted from the Catholic catechism. It sounded familiar, and i found it in Romans 14:17, "For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost." Ooops! The very next sentence says, "You will find a much clearer explanation on page 2 of this journal."

  • Honesty

    Hello AuntBee,

    Have you ever known the WTBTS to say anything good about the catholic church?

    BTW, what is the page # and paragraph as I may want to do a littel anti-witnesssing?

  • AuntBee

    p4, paragraph 2 of the article. -- Yah, i guess they're against them, even when they're quoting a Scripture.

  • TheLoveDoctor

    Page 4 second paragragh

  • saltyoldlady

    Priceless - absolutely priceless!!!!!!! Thank you Aunt Bee - This one is going into my Faovorites of All Times file to be pulled out often.

  • therevealer

    Of course all those "other" church's give conflicting and confusing information. For the clear and "Proper" explanation just look to page 2 of this journal.

  • witnessofjesus

    Yes, but this is cross referenced to the following scripture providing more explaination:

    Romans 15:13

    13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all (A) joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope (B) by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Yes, the Kingdom of God is the hope of all Christians, and this hope, when it fills you will give you peace, joy and will cause you to live righteously so that you might one day inherit this Kingdom and this hope is instilled in you by the Holy Spirit, so in this way, the Kingdom of God is such things.

    At least, this is how I understand this verse. The WTS understands that the Kingdom of God is a 'literal government' that will rule on earth and that will rule over this earth for a period for 1,000 years by Jesus Christ.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The point Aunt Bee makes is this:

    The Catholic Church defines the kingdom directly from scripture and the Watchtower calls it one of "Christendom's confusing explanations." It is directly from God's word and they disbelieve it, putting forth their OWN definition in what they consider a MORE reliable source of information than the Bible: The Watchtower magazine.

  • Honesty

    Thank you!!!

  • lovelylil

    well aunt bee,

    we know the WT does not use the bible! ha,ha, I got the same magazine a few days ago.

    There is a "brother" from the local kh who doesn't know I am an apostate and he drops off mags about once a month. I don't have the heart to tell him not to come by as I know he needs hours, rvs and mags placed. this saturday I missed him and my hubby took the mags. One of these days I will give him a good witness about the Christ. Hopefully that will plant a seed. Peace, Lilly

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