Look at the Bonobo, the Peaceful Bonobo

by Satanus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot

    VampireDCLXV - "The way Bonobo society works seems to be an ideal BUT I wonder how successful the Human species would be if we didn't have this so-called 'dark side'."

    I find it interesting that the "dark side" characteristics humans share with chimps are most pronounced in "authoritarian personality types". It suggest very strongly to me that authoritarianism was an evolutionary adaptation that - in humans' recent history - brought certain short-term advantages to the advancement of our species' survival and success.

    However, in the age of global conflict, I would argue that - as adaptations go - the trait is very quickly outliving its usefulness.

    VampireDCLXV - "What he's saying is that the amount of energy required to propel even a sub-atomic particle to the speed of light (C) would approach infinity and THAT is impossible... by known conventional means. I'm saying that there might be a loophole discovered in the future somewhere that doesn't require "conventional" means."

    Hasn't this been done several times in the past decade using the big particle accellerator at CERN?

    Satanus - "Maybe, neanderthals were really just big friendly lugs, the peaceful branch of the human family. And we hypersapiens outcompeted them for food, territory, women and booze."

    Close, but not quite.

    There's compelling evidence that Neanderthals, like our ancestors, practiced cannibalism. You're right, though; there is also evidence that our ancestors did, in fact, outcompete them; we were more adaptable. Rather than completely wiping them out, however, recent genetic research (the Neanderthal Genome Project) indicates that they were similar enough to us (genetically speaking), that Cro-Magnon humans assimilated them into their - and thusly our - genome through interbreeding between species.

  • Nickolas

    10 famous science predictions that failed to come true. I'm familiar with them, MS. They were predictions, not scientific theories. All of them, including Einstein's, offered no mathematical proof for their speculation (Enrico Fermi provided the proof for splitting the atom within a few years of Einstein's conjecture, using, not incidentally, Einstein's relativity theory as the foundation. Einstein never went there, which is why he is so often erroneously identified with the atomic bomb.) whereas there is a solid mathematical proof, special relativity, that has not been disproved in 105 years and which supports my previous statements (or, more accurately, my statements are in support of it. No special insight on my part). All you need to do is defeat special relativity theory, and you will prove that what I believe is out to lunch. I'd be proud to tell everyone that I was acquainted with you when you take the Nobel Prize for Physics and join the ranks of the greatest geniuses this world has ever known.

    Aside from Einstein, the other individuals you quote were not exactly mental giants - have you ever heard of them beyond those quotes? Regardless, even geniuses have their foibles. Perhaps the smartest person ever, Isaac Newton, thought that the alchemist's Philosopher's Stone just might exist and have the ability to turn lead into gold. Interstellar space travel at speeds exceeding or even approaching c is the new age Philospher's Stone.

    Hasn't this been done several times in the past decade using the big particle accellerator at CERN?

    Nope. CERN has achieved closing speeds approaching 2c, when two particles are fired at one another, each travelling near c, and then collide.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Careful, your appeal to authority fallacy is showing.

    I don't think anyone in this thread believes, or claimed to believe, in "interstellar space travel at speeds exceeding or even approaching c." I could be wrong and have overlooked someone's post.

    For the most part I think we're talking about ways to get from here to there WITHOUT traveling across space because as you have repeatedly hammered home: space is too big to travel across at sub-light speeds. We're not arguing with your data, just your interpretation of it.

    Relativity exists in almost everything we've experienced so far.

    For you, the key words in that sentence seem to be: relativity exists in everything.

    For me, the key words are: relativity in almost everything so far. I'm not a scientist and I don't claim to have a handle on every article I've ever read or lecture I've ever heard but my recollection is that there are known things that defy relativity. And so, if we can figure out how and why, perhaps we can learn how to use similar loopholes for ourselves.


  • VampireDCLXV

    Your comment about those "scientific" predictions was brilliant, Mad Sweeny. Just brilliant! LOL!

    I suppose that if we mentioned such things as possibly creating wormholes at will, folding or warping of space or jumping in and out of some type of hyper-dimensional space, it would likely leave the old man positively apoplectic...


  • cyberjesus

    So we better not teach religion to those Bonobos. Then they will have an excuse for violence.

  • cyberjesus

    The treats that we developed (violence in our case and unrestricted sex in the bonobos) were developed as part of an evolutionary means for survival. Now that we are learning to use our brains to survive violence eventually wont be needed and therefore it will disappear. Think about it, the more we learn the less we need to use it.

    The Sword-carring age is gone. Unfortunately we are not ready yet for a bonobo-sex-lifestyle yet.

    Thanks for sharing Nic

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The Sword-carring age is gone. Unfortunately we are not ready yet for a bonobo-sex-lifestyle yet.

    I would agree. Especially in the USA. But we're closer than ever as a species, IMO. Is something like Valentine Michael Smith's communal group from "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert Heinlein possible these days? I would venture to say that on a small scale it might be.

  • Nickolas

    The link is great, MS! I've only read the forward but can already see that the author is one man who is absolutely convinced that he is right and everybody else is wrong. I forgot to count how many times he used the words "arrogant" or "religious zealout" in reference to the reader, as his way of luring the reader into the site to explore his proof. The insult the reader approach. Unique. I wonder if the Nobel Committee has seen it, yet? However, I am interpreting your link to come directly from you. As the words you would say, so it's time to call a truce. As much as I was thoroughly enjoying the conversation, it's now gone sour. But to do a post mortem: The thread went offtrack because I responded to V's conjecture:

    IF there are other intelligent species in other parts of the universe who are aggressive and war-like, I doubt we'd fare well against them if we were too much like the Bonobos.

    The conjecture supposes that we as humans would not fare well against an invading intelligent species from some other part of the universe. I took it as a serious conjecture. Perhaps I should not have. The conversation went to the probability of life existing elsewhere in the galaxy (which is a tiny, tiny fraction of the universe) to narrow the scope a bit, then it went to distances between planets with intelligent life, then to relativity and how it restricts speed to c, then to lack of existing evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence, then to the probability of being visited by extraterrestrials in the next 100 years. We didn't even get to talk about the probability of the existence of a highly advanced civilisation existing anywhere in the universe including our galaxy, or any verifyable evidence that aliens have ever visited Earth. There's no precedent. Accept this if you can. On the basis of just that, it's very unlikely that you or I will ever meet an extraterrestrial. You guys disagree with this proposition, so you introduce wormholes and space time distortion and other things not excluded by relativity but none of which has a single mathematical proof. Relativity also doesn't exclude fairies in the garden. It just doesn't address the stuff. Physics, not philosophy, is the ultimate level of human language describing what we really understand. Nothing else in human terms describes the real world as precisely as does physics and it is largely because of physics that we live in the age we do. Physicists exercise conjecture constantly, and they talk openly about it. That's how they come up with their expanded perceptions of reality. But it is only when they provide a proof, a new theory, that our understanding can be translated into language and set a new benchmark for the next challenge. Right now the benchmark is relativity. The rest is still up in the air.

    I need to ask you guys a couple of questions. Please don't take offense if I'm wrong. I don't worry at all that extraterrestrials will one day visit us but perhaps you do? Do you also not believe in evolution through natural selection? For the record, I do. We as a species have come to this particular advanced stage of our intelligence that we are just now talking about the possibility of interstellar travel by aliens. We'll, we've been obsessing about it since the 50's, but that's still recent vs a billion years. No proof yet exists but we're now smart enough as a species to even attempt to develop one and if we did, it would be a remarkable coincidence if aliens just now decided to show up. Maybe Jesus will, too.

    My wife is a Jehovah's Witness. That's why I'm come to this board (and I bet you thought it was to debate shit that doesn't matter). She suffers from dillusion, at least that's what I believe. She can't provide proofs for what she believes and she also can't process things that I put forward as proof that the Society to which she has belonged for 33 years is not what it represents itself to be and that what she believes but can't prove may be false. Cognitive dissonance.

    No hard feelings, guys. You guys are smart and a blast to talk to, and it was a good conversation while it lasted. I'm movin' on.

  • Satanus

    Later, sir bonobo. Thanks for your contributions. You too, vamp.


    'Rather than completely wiping them out, however, recent genetic research (the Neanderthal Genome Project) indicates that they were similar enough to us (genetically speaking), that Cro-Magnon humans assimilated them into their - and thusly our - genome through interbreeding between species.'

    Exactly, We took their womens.


  • beksbks


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