Ending of man, not God caused???

by free2beme 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    Your sitting at your home today, the news comes on and says a large solar flare will disrupt the communication and techology of the world for months. Earthquakes hit that cause such so much distruction, it challenges our government resources. Banks collapse and your money is all gone, FDIC insurance is useless as they do not have enough money to replace what you lost. A meteor hits and kills millions, throwing so much dust in to the air, that the skies are dark for years and all plant life, and animal life die off quickly.

    All of these are possible things that could disrupt mankind or kill millions, if they happened. Panic being a leading cause of several deaths. All of which could be caused by the simple way of the universe, the earth and the stars. Nothing a God did, planned or let happen. Simply, it happened and time moves forward.

    I ask though, are you in anyway prepared for such events or possiblities? Would you have a generator, food supply, or a plan??? Would you just be among the millions in the street hoping the government comes soon with help?

    I wonder, for those who left the religion, have you left the idea of the world or mankind ending ... or being presented with a possible large kill off of mankind? Don't need faith in a religion, to know that things can and do happen in this life. Many of which were never even remotely seen coming.

    So, how prepared do you think you are?

  • Botzwana

    If the RV happens I plan on buying a house and growing my own vegetables, generator, etc.

  • DanaBug

    Not prepared at all, and I am changing things and learning new stuff to be more self-sufficient. But there are some situations I do not want to survive, like that movie The Road.

  • d

    For me personally, that is why I want to learn how to grow things myself.I do not believe in an end times, but things could happen in where it every person for themself.

  • villabolo


    "I wonder, for those who left the religion, have you left the idea of the world or mankind ending ... or being presented with a possible large kill off of mankind?"

    You mean you haven't noticed my Global Warming posts?


  • transhuman68

    I would be alright for about three weeks: until I run out of coffee- then there's gonna be trouble!

  • villabolo

    DanaBug: "But there are some situations I do not want to survive, like that movie The Road."

    FYI. The Road is an excellent book and movie from the human side of things. However, it is a grossly unrealistic portrayal of the aftereffects of nuclear war.

    For those of you who plan to have a generator keep the following in mind! Gasoline has a shelf life of 2 months only at room temperature. If it gets hot in your area, and you store it in a garage without air conditioning, it will have even less of a shelf life. NEVER STORE ANYTHING, whether it be gasoline, food , medication or even ammunition, where there's heat, even if it's only during the summer. It will reduce its shelf life drastically.


  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    D - News bulletin: You're on your own now.

    Unless you mean "you're on your own" as in the Gub'ment won't be taking care of you?

  • WTWizard

    The Bilderberg group, with the Rothschild bloodline at the top (and 12 other bloodlines directly under them) will be responsible for impending mass human enslavement. They are already working behind the scenes to make sure governments are doing what they need to in order to weaken them, so they can be confiscated. Hyperinflation, riots, and this fake energy crisis (along with the much worse one coming due to the EPA) are all the makings of this group. Every major war has been a result of this group, because they finance both sides (at interest). And they are working to create a fake famine (or an artificial one), to create even worse hardships. Worse, they are working behind the scenes and anyone that reports it is viewed as "a conspiracy theorist".

    I predict that the US Toilet Paper Dollar will end because of Bernanke, doing as the Rothschilds direct him to. We will then get the Amero, which will also fail when the Rothschilds decide (probably within months). At some point, they are going to round us all up into compounds to enslave us all, and there will be slaughter awaiting us when we "retire". At this point, there will be no need for currency. It must be emphasized that NO RELIGIOUS GROUP IS GOING TO GIVE SALVATION WHEN THIS HAPPENS! Not only that, but no religious group is going to properly prepare people for the troubles that will lead into it (fake shortages and hyperinflation).

    All the while, what is that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag going to do? Nothing.

  • RubaDub
    I ask though, are you in anyway prepared for such events or possiblities?

    I heard some guy advertising non-hybrid seeds on Glenn Becks's show one day. I was planning on ordering some. But if there will be no sun, instead I guess it's a smarter idea to add more flashlight batteries to our WT Society-recommended survival bag we keep near the front door.

    Rub a Dub

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