It is as long as you are elderly and approved by the elder body. They even provide a complicated phone hook up system so certian ones never have to roll out of bed. Now I understand if someone is a legitimate invalid or bedridden, but I always laugh when I see certian old sisters who always have to tie in because of infirmity, but miracously make it out to every social gathering and BBQ.
This always made me laugh to myself. I knew one old lady who tied in regularly via the phone system, but occasionally you'd catch her changing the oil for her car. Or she'd be shopping at Wal-Mart. Another middle aged sister I know is extremely obese. She hasn't been out in service for years and she's late for every meeting. Yet let there be a social gathereing, she'll have a share in planning it, and will present for the entire affair.
The phone tie in system is an interesting thing in itself. If I'm not mistaken, the branches sent out letters to elder bodies for direction on use of the phone system because of so called abuse. They know people don't want to go to the meeting for whatever reason, or simply don't feel like going to the meeting. Heck, I'm young and healthy, and I don't want to be there. If they eliminated the mid week meeting for whatever reason, it would be a beautiful thing, and I guarantee The Friends wouldn't miss it. The phone system we have, has unique numerical passwords that only the sound assistant, and some of the elders know. So if someone deemed healthy decides to stay home, and then they call the hall to "be hooked up", the brothers will decline giving them code used to log in. Its all rather hilarious to me.
Some of the older friends who regularly atttend the meeting, will express displeasure with the others who stay home and listen on the phone. You'd think that as old as they were, they wouldn't be concerned with what other older people are doing. I guess being nebby and a busybody is what keeps them going.