So I attended a funeral for a JW who passed away (non-"annointed) and I would have to state that although I have heard the standard funeral talk outline for dozens of funerals I've attended, I never really took the time to listen. Until now. And my god, I was cringing. The outline is essentially broken down like this:
Talk about the person and what they did in their life (2-3 minutes)
Hawk JW literature that is conviently kept at the back of the hall. (32 minutes)
Ramble on about God's War when everyone will be destroyed, offer bible studies (10 minutes)
sing a song out of the new song book that nobody knows how to sing, conclude with prayer.
Wow. Well, I'm glad the loved one was mentioned briefly in the beginning. I thought that a eulogy/funeral service is supposed to be about honoring and remembering the deceased person. I had a question for some of you older guys who were JW's back in the day - Were the funeral talks always this tasteless?
Brother Falcon sadly passed away.....
...but the good news is that we just received a shipment of Bible Teach books!