"Has the writing always been this bad?" -- A Channel C Contributor Hits The Nail On The Head

by Room 215 25 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Randy - I've actually been smuggling in stuff to read when at the meetings. H. P. Lovecraft mostly. Badass stuff, brother.

    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn, indeed.

    Cthulhu has had enough of your redundant WT comments! Move on to the next paragraph already!

  • BluesBrother

    Brilliant debunking by the Channel C contributer......I wonder if the "nice old lady" will make the returm visit?

    I would to see him apply some intelligent argument to the WT article.......What he says is perfectly true. Even without the benefit of his education, the dubs in my family bemoan the "dumbed down stuff we get today" and have resolved to start reading some old bound volumes and old WT study books as "personal study"

    BTW Mr Falcon..I recently read Bram Stoker's book, and while never being a fan of vampires, the book was gripping. It was so well written

  • Magwitch

    “…scholars agree…”

    In light of the fact that the GB consider themselves scholars, then we can assume the above two words are correct. They probably take a vote at the GB table and then can put in the Watchtower ...“…scholars agree…”

  • minimus

    Remember, these articles are to REINFORCE the cult propaganda to JWs. If they read this stuff enough, the just accept it. duh.

  • miseryloveselders

    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

    Something about reading that and speaking it out loud with the image of that monster i my head made me laugh.

    To me the tell tale sign of how bad the WT's material is, is that they have to "encourage" their own to read it. They have to encourage you to keep up with the magazines, or the latest book. If the material was so good, wouldn't people just gulp this stuff up anyway? I used to be hooked on The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, Harper's, and a couple other news mags. I could read that stuff all day and all night. I couldn't wait until the next issue of any of those magazines to come out. I still get them occasionally, but time restraints make it difficult to fit them in. Nobody had to encourage me to get any of those magazines. The magazines sold themselves. It's the exact opposite with the WT's literature. The worldly folks aren't salivating for the latest WT and Awake magazines. Considering how much the WT has to encourage The Friends to keep up on the magazines, apparently the average JW isn't salivating for them either.

  • agonus

    No it hasn't. I've read enough of Pastor Russell's writings to feel safe in the declaration that, weirdo though he may have been, his stuff was positively Shakespearean compared to the majority of the material coming from the org now.

    There's a fine line between simplicity and stupidity. I'm pretty sure the line has been crossed.

  • the-illuminator81

    If the writer of the article had any common sense, they would stop somewhere in the process of writing it, say to themselves "This is all bullshit", pack up their belongings and leave Bethel. So no, you just can't expect high quality articles to come from the WTS.

  • dozy

    I agree that the writing does seem to be getting poorer - dumbed down to a tremendous degree. Some of the grammar is dreadful - I can only imagaine what my old English teachers would have made of it. The current Awake is almost embarrassing to read.

    The "theologian" mentioned on page 6 would seem to be Dallas Willard. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dallas_Willard

    The quote he gave is as follows (the highlighted section is the usual ... deletion from the WTBTS.)

    True, you will find few scholars or leaders in Christian circles who deny that we are supposed to make disciples or apprentices to Jesus and teach them to do all things that Jesus said. There are a few here and there, but they are, at least, not widely influential. Jesus’ instructions on this matter are, after all, starkly clear. We just don’t do it.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I have no doubt that the scholars refered to are Fred Franz's old shoes.

    I imagine he passed on all his knowledge to them as he fast pace shuffled the corridors of Bethel, mumbling all the way.

    Perhaps they are in a glass case with a controlled atmosphere in a writing department office...


  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    and it's the same ol' stuff re-hashed.

    which further confuses the radishes out of me when I hear JWs say, "Wow, what a gripping Watchtower study". REALLY???? Hey pal, if that does it for you, I bet you could have an orgasm watching paint dry.

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