I thought the 'end' was supposed to come when you least expect it. With that line of reasoning it will never come because the jw's always expect it!
The Great Tribulation May Have Started
by headisspinning 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi Headspinning - The current world events are actually no laughing matter. But I might ask if you knew that prior to the release of the Red Revelation Climax book Abaddon was considered to be Satan and the locusts his demons - then overnight they switched their understanding 180 degrees around to say we are the demons (whoops - no the locusts) and Abaddon is actually representative of Jesus Christ. Research what the rest of the world's Bible scholars have to say about this portion of the Revelation Prophecy. It is quite an eye-opener and makes one wonder if the WTS is actually identifying itself incognito. (Harsh words I know but gets one to thinking!)
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"The Great Tribulation may have just started."
The Great Tribulation is supposed to start with the UN destroying false religion. That isn't happening. You can't reason with delusional JWs.
You're right Billy. Whatever happened to that long line of current events that was to precede "The Great Tribulation"? I read just a few months ago in a WT that the end could come AT ANY TIME. Evidently the "Revelation" book was mostly crap. And to think I wasted all those Tuesday nights studying so diligently.
Question 1 of
Revelation Climax
Chapter 36
The GreatCityDevastated
1. What will mark the start of the great tribulation?
Paragraph 1 answers:
SUDDEN, shocking, devastating—such will be the demise of Babylon the Great! It will be one of the most catastrophic events in all history, marking the start of the “great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.”—Matthew 24:21.
No mention of earthquakes there.
Hmmm...I heard Jehovah was drowned in the tsunami...would that make it tsuicide...?
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"The Great Tribulation may have just started."
Here we are a week later. Either we're a week into the great tribulation or it's a good thing he used the word "may".
Pin them down.
Is this the Great Tribulation or isn't it?
None of this "may" stuff.
in that day jesus will tell the wts-"get away from me you workers of lawlessness"
I copy/pasted what Yesidid posted above from Revelation Climax book and emailed it to him... he didn't reply. LOL!