I believe they use soliloquies because the GB and the writing staff are so impressed with themselves. They think their writing is the best, even better than a real life experience, and they pat each other on the back about the great program they wrote and then write a service meeting part about the wonderful program for this years circuit assemblies and the friends leave the assembly saying it was the best one yet because that is what they are suppose to say but they are thinking 'glad that's finally over' but meanwhile the writing staff is gloating about how smart and whitty they are and how they could be writing for Hollywood but everything is just too wonderful for them at Patterson.
No Part of The World Circuit Assembly Highlights
by DavinciCodeBreaker 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
" Then the "model" witness family; they just finish a delicious meal and then plan their weekend, it consists of a Friday night practice session for their presentations for the ministry for Saturday morning and to do some personal research in the WT to help their teenage daughter come up with a good reply to one of her schoolmates as to why she can't attend her worldly party- this was iniated by the young girl. (yeah right) Then after the ministry on Saturday it is their turn to clean the kingdom hall and all of them are really looking forward to this priviledge. Then after, for their token weekend recreation-it's out to the woods for a fire and marshmellows (of course everyone in the family are so excited). Then on Suday after the meeting they are going to have the speaker and his wife over for lunch and are loooking forward to their experiences. Lastly they are going to invte a couple that was recently on a foreign assignment to come over for dinner to share their experiences. Of course all the children are estatic about this amazing weekend that they have planned."
What this is really showin' is that no one in the witness family have any outside interest apart from the preaching work
It shows that the JW parent could not even begin to tell you the personal hopes and desires of their own children apart
from what the WTS has trained them to hope and desire, which is for the big "A" to come down and destroy people who are
not in agreement with the WTS. Truly a cult
all of a sudden i want to be in a demonstration...............................oompa.....i would shake it up baby....
I actually took notes for this assembly. But I took them in the real meaning, behind the watchtower bullshit.
Too many people talk about sports, or gather to watch.
Too many people are dressing sloppy.
Too many people buy new things.
Too many people voice their opinion on politics.
Too many people are leaving.
My view on notetaking is, they wouldnt have to talk about it if it wasnt a problem. -
I wonder how my family is taking this apparent dumbing down of the indoctrination sessions. They always prided themselves on the witnesses educational system. No one can deny the fact that there is a dumbing down going on. The Watchtower is no longer on the up and up.
I believe they use soliloquies because the GB and the writing staff are so impressed with themselves. They think their writing is the best, even better than a real life experience, and they pat each other on the back about the great program they wrote and then write a service meeting part about the wonderful program for this years circuit assemblies and the friends leave the assembly saying it was the best one yet because that is what they are suppose to say but they are thinking 'glad that's finally over' but meanwhile the writing staff is gloating about how smart and whitty they are and how they could be writing for Hollywood but everything is just too wonderful for them at Patterson.
If reality is even close to this I would have to conclude total and complete lunacy from the leaders of the Watchtower Organization. To fabricate these "perfect family" scanarios with an Alice in Wonderland flavor of crazy, and be proud of it, is simply insane. Listening to these guys is like giving a rambling bum keys to your Aston Martin!
Sounds like the same old crap with different titles regurgitated to brainwash.
Glad to see I wasn't the only one enduring this lunacy. In some ways, I actually enjoyed walking the corridors with my daughter. But the cult-like talks concerning the cheering for sport teams that represent your country being the mark of the beast was enough to send me over the edge and out the door to Chuck E Cheese's with my oldest daughter.
Of course, since I live in a military area, I wonder how that talk went over on so many people who benefitting in some way from the military. So much mental gymnastics would be so required to ignore what would otherwise be hypocrisy in so many of the members.
Although the so-called epiphanies may seem harmless and even ridiculous, they are actually a dangerous form of mind control, known as thought-stop or crimestop (1984). It is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy, but used for the 'evil' goals of the WTS to exercise absolute control over their subject's behavior.
You train your mind to identify a train of thought or behavior, like enjoying yourself after a week of hard work, and then insert a different thought or behavior instead. If you do it often enough it will become automatic, a form of conditioning.
So even though it may seem harmless and even naive, it's not. It's a dangerous brainwashing technique.
WTBTS outlines for the symposium demos:
[Demonstration: (2 min.) Two brothers in their late teens or early 20’s are animatedly discussing an international sports event. In his excitement, the first brother personalizes the event by using expressions such as “we can beat them because our country’s culture is the best in the whole world” and he
pridefully speaks of the superior skill of “our” country. Second brother is agreeing until it finally dawns on him. He stops and, including himself, says: “We are getting way too intense about this. Do you realize what you have been saying?” First brother did not realize that he had identified with the country
too personally, in a nationalistic manner, giving prideful patriotic comments. Second brother says: “Our problem began when we believed that one team is superior simply because ofits national origins and not because of the skill of the players.” He remembers James 4:4, quotes it, and comments that
this is serious because the apostle John said: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19) First brother agrees, noting that Satan is “the ruler of the world.” (John 14:30) He says: “So no matter what international team a person sides with, he may secretly believe that one country
is politically superior to the other. If so, then whose control is he really under?” Second brother says: “I cannot imagine the early Christians giving prideful patriotic worship to anypart of the wild beast, for this would amount to worshippingthe dragon—the source of authority of the beast.” Brothers agree to be more careful to avoid contaminating their true loyalty over petty worldly issues.]
Demonstration: (2 min.) An elder’s family is getting ready to go from their hotel to dinner after the district convention session. All in the family are well-dressed and wearing convention badge cards and are ready to exit the hotel in order to eat in a local restaurant. A young brother whom they invited to join them is leaving at the same time but is dressed in modest shorts, shirt, and sandals. He is also wearing a convention badge card. The family head does not get angry but greets the brother and asks him where he is going. Brother replies: “To dinner with you and your family, and then after dinner I’ll meet up with some friends from the congregation.” The elder takes the young brother aside and gently offers private counsel about being aware of our appearance at all times, especially at events directly connected to our worship, such as visits to Bethel, travelling to and from conventions, and during conventions. After all, what do the local people think of us as we walk about in the convention city? Often, all they know about Jehovah’s Witnesses is what they see. Would they draw a distinction between our worship and the casual dress of most churchgoers today? For these few days, would it not be good to stay in our dress clothes when in the public eye in order to give the right impression? Young brother agrees and decides to return to his room and dress more appropriately.]
[Interview: (2 min.) Interview a brother, sister, or couple who are content with a modest lifestyle. Perhaps they used to give in to the world’s desires before they came into the truth, but they relate how Jehovah has taught them a better way. Perhaps they now engage in the full-time ministry. Or you
might interview a brother or family who over time became entangled in acquiring unnecessary possessions. Once they realized the burden of caring for them, they decided to simplify their life and have greatly increased the joy in their service to Jehovah.]