Does anyone high up in the organization KNOW they use mind control techniques or is it just ingrained

by Mad Sweeney 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FollowedMyHeart

    Mad Sweeney, I've wondered that, too. It seems to me that most of the JWs way of operation today started with Rutherford. I haven't done any thorough research into JFR or who his closest associates were. Does anyone know if either JFR or any of his associates had any possible knowledge of psychology?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Certainly, Sir82. The Borg isn't the only mind control group out there. There was a show on TV just last night with three different people who have escaped from three different cults (all supposedly Christian, BTW). There are hundreds I am sure and they have A LOT in common as far as methodology goes.

    You're probably right that they just "fall into" the mind control methods but that answer, even if true, just doesn't sit well. I mean, the question has to be asked: how can they NOT know what they're doing since they're so adept at it?

  • ProdigalSon

    MeanMrMustard said:

    Just curious, what sort of device do you use to measure the "frequency" coming from human emotion?

    Love the user name!

    I would google, "Thoughts are energy".... but this oughta answer all your questions....

  • sir82
    how can they NOT know what they're doing since they're so adept at it?

    They're delusional.

    Seriously. Take a look at, to cite an obvious example, JCanon / Larsinger / [whatever this week's name is]. He is utterly convinced he is the Messiah, and nothing in this world will shake that belief from him.

    The GB believes their own hype. They really and truly believe that God speaks to them. They get an idea in their heads, and and they become convinced it's the holy spirit makin' the connection to their spirit-anointed goodness.

    Just as virtually every other high control group leader really believes it too.

    There is probably a handful of high-control religious leaders who are cynical and purposely manipulative and in it strictly, or primarily, for the money or power or adulation or whatever...but I think for the most part these guys have convinced themselves they are right.

    If you were really, truly, legitimately convinced that that heartburn you feel isn't heartburn, but the "burning of the holy spirit" and God had picked YOU, personally, to talk to, wouldn't you do whatver you could to convince others of that?

  • Alfred

    Mad Sweeney...

    Check out what Freddy Franz wrote in the Watchtower magazine in the 50's and 60's...

    • “…we shall March forth organized theocratically, knowing organization procedures.” –Watchtower November 1, 1950 page 418
    • “…we must gather information other than what this world has brought us up on, thus giving us a certain mental cast or structure.” –Watchtower October 15, 1951 page 620
    • “Many psychologists today are likewise instruments of the Devil…” –Watchtower May 15, 1955 page 292
    • “… theocratic control and direction is only over dedicated ones.” –Watchtower November 1, 1955 page 666
    • “Through taking in accurate knowledge, we change the bent of our mind […] It is a mistake to think that such a transformation can take place apart from the New World Society. Association with it and participation in its activities are absolutely necessary.” - Watchtower February 1, 1958 page 79
    • Whining and complaining might mean the loss of a job […] but that complaining will only bring the disfavor of his great employer, Jehovah, the God of production. –Watchtower June 15, 1961
    • “Jehovah knows what is going on in every congregation […] the Almighty Sovereign himself is in complete control of his visible organization.” – Watchtower August 1, 1967 page 467

    This stuff has been passed down from the 1st generation GB to the second "overlapping" GB generation... they just don't classify this as "mind control" ... they prefer: "theocratic control"...

  • MeanMrMustard


    Good Lord! - 1 of 14?? 14??? I seriously will need to reserve some time to watch these. The first few minutes about how the government is keeping this secret away from people is wierding me out. Also, that studies have been done at "top level universities", with no specific mention of any particular university...

    But maybe its all further down in the series... of ... yes.. 14!!! videos....

    Do you have an abridged version?

  • Alfred

    I forgot my favorite Freddy Franz quote of all time:

    "[Humility] will keep us from the vanity of our abilities and attractions and protect us against the damaging, ego-inflating effects of higher learning, a collegiate education, a diploma or an honorary degree." -Watchtower June 1, 1953 page 333

  • FollowedMyHeart

    "[Humility] will keep us from the vanity of our abilities and attractions and protect us against the damaging, ego-inflating effects of higher learning, a collegiate education, a diploma or an honorary degree." -Watchtower June 1, 1953 page 333

    Oh, brother!

  • thetrueone

    I think the basic set up of what is considered the segment of the WTS operations (mind control) came about out of the

    pressing need to further stretch the inner desires to control as many people as possible in different lands.

    The said preaching of god was really the Watchtower's operative works gained by the proliferation of the organization's own literature.

    Russell himself laid the foundation of this expansion and all the other headquarter leaders followed in parallel suit for

    expansion and as you can see today the results of this driving expansion and all of its detrimental circumventing results.

  • clarity

    Mad Sweeny,

    "the question has to be asked: how can they NOT know what they're doing since they're so adept at it?"

    We can plainly see how the 'leaders plan ahead. You know when they are doing damage control.

    You can actually feel that a 'new light' is about to be switched on ... by the way we are set up through watchtower propaganda and repeated 'admonition' from the platform.

    When they need to cover up false dates they plan ahead and usually decide to just not mention those dates any more .... like 1925, 1935, or 6000 yr days or "this generation will not pass away......"or even when they do make a new doctrine (like christ is not your mediator) it is announced so quietly in a magazine, that the majority of dubs never do know of it! Clever!!

    You can test that one out btw......ask a jw who their mediator is! 9 out of 10 they don't know!

    All this takes careful scheming ..... it does not just happen by chance. They know what they are doing.


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