The impossible delusion of evolution

by brotherdan 172 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nickolas

    I know of others (a good friend once), who went through personal crisis and really experienced emotional meltdowns all over the place. Until the storm passed, that is, and she was calm (and a bit embarrassed, though there is no need for that, but I understand it).

    One might hope, Tammy, that your onetime friend didn't leave a permanent record of her meltdowns on the internet. There are things I posted 20 years ago that are still there, and they will be there 20 years from now and beyond. I don't have a problem with that, but I would if what I have said can be used against me in some way.

    Its a sad, sad day when alice tells you to get your shit together LMAO!.....Darth Frosty

    .............................. ...OUTLAW

  • TD
    There are things I posted 20 years ago that are still there, and they will be there 20 years from now and beyond.

    Yeah....There's software I wrote for the Apple ][ more than 30 years ago that is on the internet today. (And this was well before the internet!)

    Kinda scary in a way. ...

  • Nickolas

    Kinda scary in a way. ...

    Yes, it is. There are people whose lives have been ruined when what they have posted has come back to haunt them. Even when a site goes down, the data that it contained are still out there to be found somewhere. My very first posts go back to 1986 when I was looking for help solving an Infocom interactive word game I was playing (remember those?) on my PC XT. I think if I made the effort I could find even those posts.

    Lesson: be circumspect. You and how you think will change. You will not be the same person tomorrow as you are today. If you think, for example, that it's ok to post nude pics of yourself on the internet (or to have an emotional breakdown and say really stupid things), count to 10, take a deep breath and then don't.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    If you think, for example, that it's ok to post nude pics of yourself on the internet (or to have an emotional breakdown and say really stupid things), count to 10, take a deep breath and then don't.

    Woah, hang on, Nick. If I'm not supposed to say really stupid things on the Internet, what's my recourse? (Same for the nudie pics.)

  • Nickolas

    Ah, but there's stupid and then again there's stupid, SBC. The stuff you say that merely embarasses you is ok. The stuff you say that results in your kids being taken away from you in a custody hearing, or the stuff that keeps you from getting a higher level job, is not ok.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Still no Brother Dan. Let me try three more important thoughts to draw him out.

    From The U.S. National Center for Science Education:

    "Evolution is a vital, well-supported, unifying principle of the biological sciences, and the scientific evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the idea that all living things share a common ancestry...It is scientifically inappropriate and pedagogically (of or relating to the process of teaching and education) irresponsible for creationist pseudoscience, including but not limited to 'intelligent design,' to be introduced into the science curricula of our nation's public schools."

    And the second thought:

    If you use at least your same standards of proving or dismissing evolution as you do for proving or dismissing the Bible and Christianity, you will become an unbeliever.

    As for the third thought:

    Instead of wanting an end to teaching evolution in the schools, I say teach evolution in the church. Embrace the obvious truth and don't get left behind the rest of the world in ignorance.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Nickolas: Ah, but there's stupid and then again there's stupid, SBC.

    Oh, okay, well as long as I can maintain my normal levels of stupidity, I can be content.

    OnTheWayOut: If you use at least your same standards of proving or dismissing evolution as you do for proving or dismissing the Bible and Christianity, you will become an unbeliever.

    That's a great point. The more man advances, the more religion depends on bias & inconsistency.

  • Nickolas

    If you use at least your same standards of proving or dismissing evolution as you do for proving or dismissing the Bible and Christianity, you will become an unbeliever.

    This one is particularly intriguing. Is there an expanded dialogue?

  • OnTheWayOut
    Is there an expanded dialogue?

    Could be. I dunno. It is my own original thought, but it is based on personal readings and viewings of other information. I don't claim exlusivity in such a statement. I imagine plenty of others have stated the same original thought so there may be existing dialogue on that thought.

    Otherwise, feel free to expand on your own.

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