So sad..... the damaged ones.....

by liz_south 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • liz_south
    liz_south nephew confided that he doesn't want to go to the meetings anymore. He told his parents. Reply from dad - typical party line - "live in our house - attend the meetings - or leave". (Same thing mine would have said to me if I'd had the courage to actually say what I thought when I was 17.) My sister is torn between her son's happiness, her husband and what she thinks is serving God... and my nephew....He's so confused. Just a teenager trying to figure out life.

    So ... he goes to keep the peace and just zones out for the time imposed. He will end up so damaged by all of this even if he stops now. It's just so sad....

    Why, Why, Why, Why, Why.......?????

  • headisspinning

    I agree with you. It's horrible.

    There's a family in my hall in the same situation. The boy stood up... now he has been out on his own for over a year.

    It's unnatural and wrong.

  • miseryloveselders

    Why, Why, Why, Why, Why.......?????

    I ask myself this every day I think about this religion. Why do I, or more appropriately, we, why do we have to choose between our families and this religion. It's unfair, and to add insult to injury they print articles saying, "Nobody Should Have To Choose." I'll never understand it, doesn't make sense. You know, I don't loose sleep over other people who have differing opinions from myself. Nothing is that serious to hold that kind of resentment and contention. But for some reason, old men in Walkhill and Brooklyn feel it necessary to destroy people's families over a book that contains questionable prophecies, letters, and histories of an ancient Semetic people. Several old men of European descent, and one token African American think its ok to rip families apart over minor disagreements regarding this book. I'll never understand it.

  • wasblind

    the sad thing for the children of JW's is that they are discouraged from finding out who they are as individuals,

    they are discouraged from having personal hopes and dreams, whatever they hope and dream for must be the

    same as the WTS, GROUP THINK is encouraged, independant thought is a no no. It is so sad that JW pareants

    cannot tell you the true personality of the own children , because this religion forces the children to lived double

    very secretive lives

  • wasblind

    The WTS agrees with you on that MIZ, Yes it is truly a cruel joke

    In the July 2009 Awake p29: “No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.”

  • Satanus

    Maybe, start looking for an alternate place for him to live. When my family totally fell apart (while we were all jws, mind you), my sis put an add in the local paper for lodgings, so that she could finish her high school. Some sympathetic family might like to accomodate him, so he can finish school, and maybe even go to university.

    Me, i became a lost soul for a few yrs, in my late teens. Wouldn't want that to happen to him.


  • wasblind

    " my sis put an add in the local paper for lodgings, so that she could finish her high school."

    It is so sad what children of JW's go through

  • liz_south

    Good suggestion Satanus. We live too far away but your idea might work. School's done in two months so expect he can stick it out until college (that we can help with) but it's not easy... and I also wouldn't want to see him become a lost soul..... seen far too many that never find their way back to live a full life. Particularly after the double secret life.... damaged, damaged, damaged.... really.... is this what a loving God wants? I don't think so...


  • liz_south

    Yes Wasblind... it is very sad... I know from experience.... it's amazing how free you can feel once you realize you can be free. Amazing to find out how much there is to learn. Amazing what simply studying religion in University can do for the awakening of one's soul.... Amazing what quiet meditation about NOTHING can do for inner peace. Amazing when you finally understand all the guilt imposed upon you and realizing that you don't need to own the guilt any more.... so many amazing, amazing, amazing insights..... I wish these for my nephew and all the others who want to know the power of what TRUTH really is.....


  • palmtree67


    I was put in this very same situation. My son told us he didn't want to go to meetings anymore. And my husband immediately - IMMEDIATELY THAT NIGHT - kicked him out. My heart broke, I have never cried like I did that night. I was forbidden to speak to him or help him out in any way.

    I couldn't do it. I secretly gave him money, bought him stuff he needed, gave him a job when he needed it.

    He is a wonderful son and I am very proud of him. We have a really good relationship.

    I am glad I stood up for him. I am no longer with his dad, have left the religion and have no regrets.

    Yes, it was very difficult for him and for me, for a few years. But we are better than ever because of it all.

    All the best and a big hug to you and your nephew,


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