Fox News Using Electronic Brain Washing? Hidden Hypnotic Signal Found

by freeman 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • freeman

    Fox News is clearly identified with the Republican / Conservative camp. Recently I came across a thread where some of our more passionate posters were discussing the latest Fox transgression. It was being alleged that Fox was overtly lying about protests occurring in Wisconsin while the infamous “palm tree smoking-gun video” clearly showed otherwise. I clicked on the little YouTube video, and it at first blush it sure looked damming to me. Then I remembered how easy it is to get the wrong impression without the right context. So I did a little research on my own, including watching the entire video, not just the edited clip and came to the independent conclusion that Fox was not lying as was being alleged. I made some posts on the thread suggesting that IMHO Fox should be let off the hook on this one.

    Well it seems I did a bad thing. If you voice such a tone of moderation here on this politically charged board, you are besmirched by all sides, particularly the folks on the left who are very passionate in their views and tend to categorize people very quickly; reminds me of my MIL J or perhaps even myself before I matured.

    Because I suggested Fox is in the clear on this one, now I’m called ignorant, a fool, or as one posters suggested under authoritative control. Well, I flipped him the bird via my LCD screen as is my custom J , but I don’t believe I even responded with any further comment.

    However, his comment stuck with me. Authoritative control. That got me thinking. Fox does so well in the ratings, statistically better then all of their competition combined. How is that even possible? Is their writing and presentation any better or more polished then other broadcasters? I think an objective person would say hell no. So what is the magic of Fox News, why do they attract such a large audience? It’s almost as if the audience is being compelled to watch. Do they have authoritative control?

    Just think about some of the personalities at Fox News. Hannity and O’Reilly, not exactly warm and fuzzy lovable guys are they? They often are down right abrasive IMHO. And then there is Glenn Beck. Granted he brings out some interesting points, but when I see him doing his thing with the black boards, flailing his arms about, my eyes just roll in embarrassment. He reminds me of some of the guys I used to work with at NASA before I retired. We called such ones “Space Cadets”.

    The Fox news Video Feed has an Unexplained Anomaly

    Fox News has a bit of a signal glitch in that when I land on that channel, I noticed that it was taking just a fraction of a second longer for that channel to lock in compared to every other channel on my cable system. Hardly noticeable to most people, but I noticed it happening on one of my older TV’s which seems to have more susceptibly to small signal imperfections.

    It didn’t matter if I was watching via the set-top cable box, or using the TV’s own internal tuner. All of this told me that the anomaly, whatever it’s cause, was common to the composite video signal and not the carrier wave. Simply put, this transmission glitch is in fact related to the Fox News video feed itself, and not the cable system.

    I had to see for myself what was going on so I pulled the back cover off of the small TV we have in the kitchen and connected an electronic signal monitoring and test instrument called an oscilloscope to a part of the TV’s circuitry called the video detector. The oscilloscope allowed me to see the raw and unprocessed video, revealing precisely what was being broadcast by Fox News.

    The Hidden Hypnotic Signal?

    Looking at the signal on the scope showed it to be a normal signal, no different then any other TV signal. But it wasn’t the same. Upon further detailed inspection I noticed the trailing edge of the composite video shifting and drifting to the right of the oscilloscope screen. When I switched to any other station, there was no such drifting, only when tuned to Fox News did it shift to the right. When the image drifted over to the hard edge of the scope display, it started to bounce in and out of synchronous lock at a rate varying from about 8hz – 12hz.

    This low rate signal was being imposed on top of the normal video signal and as it turns out, it was in fact this small subtle signal that was causing the delay in picture lock-in that I first noticed on one of my older TVs.

    Alpha Brain Waves 8hz – 12hz

    Now I’m not a big fan of all that conspiracy stuff and I don’t see the boogie man everywhere I look but here is the rub:

    FOX NEWS video is being modulated by a very low frequency subcarrier and the frequency range of that subcarrier exactly matches that of Alpha Brain Waves (8hz -12hz)!

    Alpha brainwave generation normally occurs in people just before they fall asleep. There are just tons and tons of research showing that people are most susceptible to outside or auto suggestion during this stage of consciousness, the alpha stage just before sleep. This is how hypnotic therapy / weight loss tapes work. You listen to messages just before you fall asleep and your mind is more receptive to the message. Here is some supporting info: .

    The question is this: has Fox uncovered a way to manipulate people, making their show and its content more believable and desirable to impressionable minds? Could this be the real reason Fox News is so successful?

    I don’t know the answers; I’m a retired engineer and an expert in a couple of different technical fields, but I have no expertise whatsoever in the possible effects of imposing alpha wave modulation of visual images feed to the brain and I don’t pretend too.

    But WTF is Fox News doing?

    Anyone with a technical background in electronics can duplicate my findings for themselves, and I suggest they do. Just remember to pluck of the video feed off before any de-emphasis filtering. *note this is hard to do on the newer TV’s, so it is best to use an older TV to obtain the signal. You can measure the alpha waves for yourself without the need of a scope by just using a good quality frequency counter with an appropriate low-pass filter, but it better to also see it on the scope as well. In my test set-up I used both.

    I leave the task for others to follow-up on, I just found the anomaly or hidden signal or whatever the hell it is. I don’t know what it is or why it is there but it is truly creepy that it matches the same frequency range as Alpha waves. If it turns out that nothing nefarious is going on, fine, but I will tell you this. It will be a cold day in hell before I ever give Fox News the benefit of the doubt again on anything, not when I see something this fishy with my very own eyes. My thanks to the posters that inspired me to take a closer look at Fox News, this was a real wakeup call for me.


  • saltyoldlady

    Freeman - I have been following Nick Begich's material - reading all his books and watching all his DVD's over the last year - and it appears to me that the low ELF waves do indeed have the effect on the brain you are suspecting - subliminal type messages enhanced with those low frequencies. Also mind control can be accomplished enmasse on the population just by the broadcast of such - to quote the material on the back of his DVD - Mind Control

    "Manipulation of the mind, emotions and physical health through new applied technologies continues to draw attention of military planners around the world. Dr. Nick Begich presents the most startling advances in this area of technology for both military and private sector uses. The presentation provides in depth information, demonstrations, background and forecasts of development of these areas of science as they affect our society and individual freedom. Enhancing human performance or controlling human outcomes will be the challenge of the centruy raising serious questions on the ethics of the science of mind control. Control of the human mind by external means is now a reality - how to use this technology is the next challenge for this generation. Approximate running time 1.5 hours."

    As with every new development in the scientific field it can be used for both good and bad purposes but the bad often seems to prevail these days and I suspect you have stumbled upon just one more instance of such. Nick, being a native of Alaska, became acutely aware of this field because of his investigations into the HAARP installation in Alaska.

  • Vidiot

    Wouldn't put it past 'em...

  • RubaDub

    I occasionally watch Fox News to see how the "other side" lives.

    However, I would watch every nite if the women giving the Fox News alerts were topless (let's see, Julie Banderas would be my favorite).

    Rub a Dub

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Could you run the same scans on the "Kingdom Melodies" please?

    As for Fox, it could be that they're doing what you say. It could also be that they have BY FAR the hottest variety of news babes on all of television.

    Hot chicks + hypnotic alpha waves = RATINGS

  • freeman

    Dr. Nick Begich does indeed present some interesting material. I wonder if using ELF is a new and improved version of something that supposedly was done years ago. I seem to remember something about advertisers clandestinely placing a few frames of a product like a coca-cola bottle and the words “your thirsty” in films playing in theaters to increase sales. This was a long time ago, 50’s or 60’s. You couldn’t spot it because it just flashed by to quickly, but supposedly it was picked up subconsciously. Supposedly this really worked and was ruled illegal and is no longer practiced. Maybe this is the new high tech version of that??? Spooky stuff.

    Mad Swenny / RubaDub you may have nailed it, hot chicks have that effect on me too


  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    I'd like to see this " palm tree smoking-gun video." Does anyone have a link?

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Is it possible they unintentionally ran the wrong tape? That seems like the most logical answer. I'm sure they wouldn't intentionally run a misleading piece of tape.

    Conspiracy theories....they just keep coming.

  • ProdigalSon

    It would be no surprise to me at all if it were true. I was an electronic engineer for 20 years.... worked on a few CRT's... I know what you're talking about.... careful not to fry yourself on those old tubes but I know you know that!

    This is par for the course... add the fluoride in the water, a severely eroded school curriculum, and the chemtrails in the sky, and Americans are being dumbed down from every angle. This is why I turned off FauxRuse five years ago, after being addicted to it since 911. I actually went to a local bookstore for book-signing appearances by both Hannity and O'Reilly. I used to practically worship those talking head arses.

  • villabolo


    "Fox does so well in the ratings, statistically better then all of their competition combined. How is that even possible?"

    With all due respect, freeman, I do not agree with you. And let me state right off that I despise Fox to the n th degree. I actually believe that they would be capable of doing such a thing if it were technically feasible. I cannot answer to the technical details that you have presented but, intuitively, there seems to be something wrong with the idea.

    Why would Fox want to put their audience in a sleepy state, even if they could be more susceptible to hypnosis, when most of their drivel is intended to create AGITATION in their targeted audience? I think that any slightly sleepy alpha state that people are put in would be more than counteracted by the hatemongering, adrenaline pumping content of their programs.

    As for conventional subliminal techniques, that may perhaps be true. I don't know if such methods are really effective but, in any case, it would be targeted at an audience that's going to watch Fox anyway. It's unlikely to attract more people that are not predisposed to their schlock in the first place.

    As far as their having a high viewership, that's no reason to assume that Fox needs unconventional means to pull those people into viewership. The bottom line is, there are a lot of conservative fools in this nation to keep Fox viewership high.


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