For non-believers: What evidence would it take for you to believe in 'god'?

by jay88 176 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Simple really.

    In the Wizard of Oz the witch simply wrote in the sky. No one had to doubt that she was there. They could see unmistakable proof! No one had to profess 'faith' or 'belief' in things invisible and unprovable.

    If I woke in the morning and saw God's handwriting in the sky [and somehow knew it wasn't an elaborate hoax], or saw him rearrange the stars in clusters that stated "I am real, I am God." or something like that - then OK. I accept it and begin the process of 'knowing God'.

    He won't do that - because he isn't there. It would be super simple -


  • trevor

    Does any one seriously debate the existence of the managing director of the company they work in? Or the existence of the USA President?

    Personaly, I am unable to understand why belief in a god is necessary. God either is or is not. Belief should not be a requirement. All that should concern us is whether the god believes in us. If we are reduced to debating the god's existence, then it has seriously failed in its job description.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Or better yet - just show up bigger'n'shit and talk to mankind simultaneously. Why not? Why hide behind holy writ that claims his inability to be seen and man live? Why force 'faith' and 'belief' into the picture. That whole concept is insanity to begin with - can you imagine literally fathering children and not letting them see you, hear you, or talk to you for their entire lives, while you expect them to 'worship' you with adoration?

    Bullshit. It's all bullshit to 100th degree!

    Show yourself God! And I will accept you. Otherwise you are a cowardly bastard father hiding from your children while they destroy each other, die of infinite plagues, and run in fear at the rupture of the earth.


  • tec

    The last time I checked, atheists and theists don't go to war over the existence of God. (not yet anyway) They argue and debate, but they don't kill one another.

    Just believing in God, or not, doesn't make one a good or bad person. So God could just prove that He exists in one of these ways listed in this thread... but does that mean everyone is going to fall into line - even if that line is simply selfless love? Or are they going to kill themselves for not believing in the right God, or others for putting on some hoax, or just continue to fight for their version of God. And if God exists, then why not Satan, and the angels who follow him as well? They know God exists, and yet they choose to rebel, mislead, etc, etc. So why wouldn't people also do the same?

    Just believing that God exists isn't enough to change the world. Believing in what He stands for is different.


  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Violence is the legacy of people hating people and finding ANY excuse to do horrific things to each other.

    There would still be violence in religion's absence, no doubt. But what's at the root of the problem? Why do people hate and oppress entire groups that are unlike themselves?

    Religion may not be the underlying problem but it has a history of being a catalyst.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Trevor: If we are reduced to debating the god's existence, then it has seriously failed in its job description.

    TEC: And if God exists, then why not Satan, and the angels who follow him as well? They know God exists, and yet they choose to rebel, mislead, etc, etc. So why wouldn't people also do the same?

    TEC, you've gotta remember you're debating with non-theists so using one Bible-based assumption to prove another Bible-based assumption won't really net you any points.

  • ProdigalSon

    We've got incredible crop circles being burned into the earth regularly, relating deep scientific and metaphysical information, and most people just ignore them. I've heard some incredible explanations for them too, everything from midnight tractors teams, to satellite-guided microwaves. No chance though, that it might be coming from extraterrestrials. Nooooo, that only happens in movies and Battlestar Galactica episodes.

  • ProdigalSon

    "And I will give portents in heaven above, and signs on earth below..."

    ~Joel 2:30; Acts 2:19.

  • poopsiecakes
  • Nickolas

    No chance though, that it might be coming from extraterrestrials. Nooooo, that only happens in movies and Battlestar Galactica episodes.

    and in the minds of people who believe in extraterrestrials.

    good night.

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