Japan Crisis Overblown?

by metatron 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Never forget the news room advice - "if it bleeds, it leads" in regard to news reporting.



    Remember that Japan survived TWO atomic bombs and all of the devastation that followed. The firebombing of major Japanese cities barely gets mentioned in contrast. The American general in charge of leveling the country admitted privately that their success would be called a war crime in a different context.

    I could talk about "hormesis" but that's controversial. Suffice to say, Japan will survive somehow. If they can't clean up the reactors, they will entomb them with concrete carried by helicopters, as with Chernobyl. I'm more worried about their debt laden economy and aging population in rebuilding.

    Thru war and plague and floods and disasters, the world picks up and goes on. And so it has been for centuries.

    And so it will be with suffering Japan. I also note that not one Witless idiot has bothered to see "fulfillment" of prophecy in nations being in fear "because of the roaring of the sea and its agitation" (Luke 21). Well, Duh. Now that I've mentioned it, they can't talk about tsunamis 'cause an 'apostate' said it first!



    Right now..No one knows the real story..

    The power company that owns the reactors..Has not been transparent with the Japanese Government..

    The Japanese Government has no real idea of what is really going on..

    The power company is still running the show..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • VampireDCLXV

    IMO, at this point we have too little info to go on. It makes me angry to think about the panic idiots all over the internet are inciting about the nukes issue when the poor Japanese people have enoung crap to deal with when it comes to the aftermath of the tsunami. For now we should be focusing on the damage from the tsunami istead of playing chicken little with the nukes thing. We need more information!


  • beksbks

    Yesss those nasty old officials over there evacuating people from a 12 mile radius of the reactor area, and telling people witin 20 miles to stay indoors and seal the doors and windows (US officials telling Americans to evacuate within 50 miles). Those 50 workers being evacuated when the radiation spiked......... They're just making it worse, and not focusing on the real problems.

    Spent fuel rods in Unit 4 of Japan's stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant have been exposed, resulting in the emission of "extremely high" levels of radiation, the head of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission said Wednesday.

    "What we believe at this time is that there has been a hydrogen explosion in this unit due to an uncovering of the fuel in the fuel pool," Gregory Jaczko told a House energy and commerce subcommittee hearing. "We believe that secondary containment has been destroyed and there is no water in the spent fuel pool, and we believe that radiation levels are extremely high, which could possibly impact the ability to take corrective measures."


  • JeffT

    I agree with Vampire. We have been given hours upon hours of emotion laden speculation without any real facts. You have to remember that most journalists were humanities majors of some sort (Journalism, Communication, English) and haven't taken a science class since their freshman year in college. They are will equipped to report on important subjects like Justin Beiber's haircut, less well equipped to talk about Charlies Sheen's problems, and clueless when it comes to trivia like radiological accidents.

    To watch the news, you wouldn't know that there is much of anything else going on in Japan just know. It is a real disservice to those that were hurt or killed in the original event, and those that are trying to put the country back together.

  • thetrueone

    I'm in agreement with Outlaw in that the power company who is running those plants haven't been totally transparent

    as to information they have given to the Japanese government and elsewhere.

    The entire world is taking in the events in Japan trying to calculate the real apparent danger that those

    severely damaged nuclear plants have developed into. Grab information from half a dozen news sources and you'll end

    up with half dozen different bits of information.

  • metatron

    Here's a site listing articles on hormesis


    Controversial stuff. I happen to believe that life is more profoundly powerful than we think.



    The Tsunami is no longer Life Threatening..

    Spent Fuel Rods sitting outside Proper containers with little or no water..Is now a Clear and Present Danger..

    Usable Fuel Rods in Little or No Water..

    Will burn through through Safety Containers,with Little or No Problem..

    The Japanese Nuclear Reactor Problem x 6 Nuclear Reactors,each with their own problem....

    Is now the most Pressing Issue in Japan and the Rest of the World..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • beksbks

    I've heard many many stories Jeff, I actually started a thread about the good stuff. I've heard about crews from California and .........West VA I believe, that are there for search and rescue. I know it's actually been snowing of all flippin' things. But that is all ongoing aftermath. Of course the nuclear issue is center front, it's another potentially huge event. As for emotion laden and lacking facts, I don't know what kind of news you watch or listen to, but I've heard many many experts talking about this. With little emotion and all the facts we can be privy to when dealing with a panicked government and a self serving corporation.

  • beksbks

    The Tsunami is no longer Life Threatening..

    Spent Fuel Rods sitting outside Proper containers with little or no water..Is now a Clear and Present Danger..

    Yea, that's what I was trying to say.

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