Of corse I know that we've been around much longer, I think it's more like 250,000. What I'm wondering , is it even possible to turn 2 people into almost 7billion, in that short period of time? And during that time, two white, or probably some shade of brown people gradually became all the differnt races we have today? That dosen't seem logical, I know JWs aren't logical, but did this ever cross anyones mind while they were in this religion?
Humans have only been around for 6000 years? I have a question...
by KristiKay 30 Replies latest jw friends
While I know it didn't happen, I wouldn't be so fast to say it cannot happen that 2 people became 7 billion diverse people in 6000 years.
Man has the fully domesticated dog to look at as an example of just how diverse the genes can be and how isolated gene groups can become very specific and different. And people can have lots of babies- a fertile woman can reasonably have dozens of children in her lifetime.
Don't forget 2000 years after creations all the humans were killed by the flood and only 8 people survived. So 8 people to 7 billion in 4000 years. Answer to your question No. To busy in the cult to think logical. Totally ADD
As Archie Bunker noted - "without being blessed by wars, famines, etc - there get to too many people."
Example - the US population in 1800 was roughly 8 million
- 200 years later, after civil war, 2 world wars, the dust bowl, swine flu, etc it's 300 million.
There's also a phenomenon known as "gene pooling".
Okay. If 3 women (Mrs. Noah was assumably too old) had 10 children each, that would be 30 people to succeed the Ark Generation.
We'll even assume half of them are male, but it would not necessarily be so.The 15 women had 10 children each, so forty years out of the ark, there could be (150 + 30 + 6) people. (I assumed Mr. and Mrs. Noah died and I will start assuming that preceeding generations died and just focus on the totals of the next generation.)
Half the 150 had 10 children each- 750 people 60 years out of the Ark.
Half the 750 had 10 children each- 3750 people 80 years out of the Ark.
Half the 3750 had 10 children each- 18750 people 100 years out of the Ark.
Half the 1875 had 10 children each- 93750 people 120 years out of the Ark.
Going that way, the succeeding generation would be just short of half a million in just 140 years.Oh, I know there were plenty of deaths and wars and stuff, and not all women had 10 children. But the point is that the numbers are easy to multiply quickly.
I wish I had thought about those things while I was in. Perhaps I would have exited sooner.
Regarding dogs and their variation, there is a genetic variation that they have that allows their genes to be more easily molded. Humans do not possess that ability in their genetics.
People who believe that the biblical flood was an actual event have an issue that cannot be resolved. There is no way that all the species that we have on earth fit on the ark. So it is resolved by saying that 'kinds' of animals were put onto the ark, whatever that means. However, to explain the vast diversity of life on the planet, they then require "super-evolution," evolution much faster and radical than any scientist postulates.
The problem is not if Adam and Eve managed to procreate and become 7 billion in 6000 years. The problem is if Noah and his family managed to procreate after the flood that erased 99.99% of Adam's descendants. If the flood was somewhere around 3500 BC, we have 5500 years until now and a starting population of 4 pairs instead of 1. If you ask me if 8 people became 7 billions in 5500 years, I'd say "no way in Hell". Furthermore, there is hard archeological evidence that proves that people lived almost everywhere on Earth from 5500 BC until now.
If the Flood was real, how come the Americas were populated when Columbus arrived? The Ark Landed on Mount Ararat, the waters withdrew...How did Noah's descendants manage to cross the Atlantic and become the great civilizations of the Americas?
Those who advocate in favor of the scientific value of the Bible fail to explain why the whole goddamn book mentions events and names of places from Asia, Africa and Europe. There is not one mention about the Americas or about Australia. Nothing about Antarctica. In my opinion, this is clear proof that the authors of the Bible had absolutely no knowledge about the existence of these continents. They were ignorant and uninspired. They just wrote what they knew. No supernatural being inspired them.
This is not directed at you personally, KristiKay, but we have people here who are quite convinced that intelligent life exists nowhere else but earth and will attack you for even making the suggestion that it does. But once again, this question cannot be answered or even discussed rationally without seriously considering that aliens exist and seeded the earth with different races of humans. Otherwise, gaze out at the endless universe and continue to delude yourself that it's all out there just for our entertainment and speculation. Incredible egocentric in my opinion, not to mention geocentric. I can see that attitude from a Bible believer, but for the others who know better than to believe the Bible, they should at least be a little more tolerant of the views of others and keep an open mind. Some people just have to have visible proof of everything. Makes me wonder how they think their television works since they can't see the signals going into it.
If Eve was created from Adams rib that would make our first human parents genetically identical. But to produce the entire human race Adam and Eve would have had to have the same DNA containing ALL of the human genome and ALL of it's variations. If they did not, EVE could NOT have been made from Adam's rib!
Adam and Eve could NOT have been genetically identical, they couldn't even be genetically related! Perhaps Adam had a foreign rib? Or Eve was created from another 'unknown Adam'.Rather, doesn't it prove that Mitochondrial Eve and Mitochondrial Adam lived thousands of miles apart and maybe even in different eons?
The legend of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is an interesting allegory, nothing more. -
If the Flood was real, how come the Americas were populated when Columbus arrived? The Ark Landed on Mount Ararat, the waters withdrew...How did Noah's descendants manage to cross the Atlantic and become the great civilizations of the Americas?
The witnesses will just say it was the Tower of babel story, thats how people were "Dispersed" all over the planet.