Should I contact the Society and tell them I want out?

by sinis 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    I didn't have any ipod or music cd's with me. I mentioned that, coincidentally, this song was playing on the radio when I hopped in the car:

    Bring whatever music would fit best to your undedication/unbaptism.

  • Finally-Free

    You could buy a cheap rosary and hang it from the kingdom hall door handle. You'll feel good knowing that you annoyed someone.


  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    I'm one who has "faded" over about 7 years and apart from casual relationships which have lingered, and have never had any "official" treatment of my departure. I recognise the need for "closure" or some kind of "status acknowledgement", but with the passage of time see such as nothing more than a legacy to the mind-set of being a JW . . . still playing by thier rules if you like.

    My current feeling is that your change of status is your business . . . let it remain a mystery to them . . . while that remains the case you will not be restricted by or feel the effects of that twisted way of thinking . . . allows you more freedom to be accessible . . . and that can be an advantage when others find themselves in a similar position . . . all the very best to you.

  • Alfred

    My 2... It's really not worth it... that would be like an employee (of the worst company ever) not showing for work in over 8 years and then finally handing in a resignation letter explaining his reasons for leaving... pointless.

    BTW... Don't worry about reversing your baptism... (just let Jesus take care of it).

  • saltyoldlady

    I know what you mean about wanting a clean sweep - closure - I too wanted that so I did send them a letter listing my desire to separate myself from the WTS and my reasons for so doing. It felt good to take that action - and like I was honoring Jehovah in so doing. It is an excellent opportunity to "witness" to those who have been misled - at least the elders who will read your letter and who knows what effect it may have that will be beneficial for them. Every letter they get of this nature has to have some effect - be sure of that. It will rankle in their minds - maybe for many years but some may eventually investigate.

    To give you an example - many years before an older brother of the anointed suggested I should read Ray Franz book. He was still inside the organization at that time and may still be - I do not know. I was shocked and wouldn't consider it and considered he was in terrible danger doing what he had done. But the day came years later I did finally read one of the books Ray Franz had written and that was all it took. So I made it a point to give the brothers a list of the books they might read to understand my position knowing some day they could possibly look one of them up. Turns out the PO that came to visit me for the "exit" interview confessed he had started to read Ray Franz first book - Crisis of Conscience many years before but not finished it. That night they were here I explained the material about the Malawi Party Card to them and they didn't believe I could be right. Someday I am sure they will check it out and will be surprised.

    Of course it is not fun to have old friends shun you when you meet them out in public but I have survived and only feel saddened now that they feel constrained so by the organization to carry out that behavior. One dear friend did recently come to visit me after a whole year had gone by and apologized for taking part in that action. That was a great experience.

    In your case - your having been gone so long I do not know what they will endeavor to do. It is possible they may send some local yokel to make a personal call on you and make one final effort to twist your arm. But you can survive that and possibly be an aid to helping those poor souls who do call on you. Just consider them your "Bible Studies" for the moment but try to avert arguments. They never achieve anything good for either side. Make your case concise and simple and then step back and let them know case closed if it appears they are not sincere in trying to understand. In my case they unloaded a lot of their troubles to me that night - admitted things were actually much worse than I even knew about - so it may be Jehovah will use you on that occasion. Just keep your channel of prayer to Him going all the time they are there - it helps greatly.

    Also recently one of those elders called at my door in his regular field service ministry - I think unintentionally by the look of total shock and surprise in his face when I answered the door - but we were able to visit personably - his partner didn't feel comfortable - but he did and we parted company with a wishing each other well - another amazing experience. As time goes on I notice some now smile and nod at me in the grocery store instead of "the cold stony look straight ahead and pretend they never saw you" stupidity so that too is an improvement. Wouldn't it be nice if the day came they actually saw fit to stop the shunning business - dream on - I know it is not going to happen - but that doesn't keep me from hope.

    What you do needs to be a matter of prayer between you and God. There are pro's and con's either way.

  • sinis

    Thanks! I appreciate your comments. As a side note, I really do not believe in a deity anymore... so... however, it would suck to have the rumor mill going on, and a family member shun me... perhaps out of sight out of mind...

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton
    I reached out to God for help, but a mind-contol cult snuck in and

    took over. They led me to their altar and told me to dedicate myself to their organization.

    So true.

  • villabolo


    They aren't worth

    the shit that you flush!

    They will simply contact

    the local congregation

    and officially disfellowship you.


  • sinis

    Good point Villa...

  • Billen76

    I definitely think you should do it.

    It is not worth trying to maintain ties to family, that are willing to cut the ties to you at a wimp, because of God or what the Org. tells them to. If they can cut family off because of that, they are not human. Don't try to play it by their rules or you get sucked into that destructive world again. (The psycopath can do anything. It is the conscious people that are troubled and whose feelings that can be played) By setting a mark, you may be forcing your familymember to take up the inner conflict, whose mind may be doused by a sense of "everything is allright". (I ended up leaving, as I realized it was ME who were responsible for the cut family ties and putting pressure on them to return)

    While in forums such as these, where we can discuss experiences and tell our stories, I would not recommend keeping ties to the JW-world after leaving. Tell your story, discuss the subjects you need to discuss, examine what you need to examine and share your results. The drama the JW-world are good for delivering in constant streems, may be a source for entertainment and excitement, but in "real life" I find it is better to keep a distance to the JW-world.

    Make the cut final yourself, and those confused familymembers/friends that still feel tied to the Org. may then choose to ignore the Org's "advice" and see you anyway...or perhaps they don't. Set the terms of your relationsships to be on the personal level, without shadows cast by the fear of the interference from the pimp of an Org.

    Allow yourself to be liberated from the Org.

    Again. The psycopath can do anything. It is the conscious people that are troubled and whose feelings and sense of righteousness, that can be played upon. Cut the ties to the psychopath and liberate yourself of the manipulation.

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