Can I ask that JW apologists please not respond on this forum all at once to Terry's challenge to you (very much, said tongue in cheeck)!
Issuing a challenge to Jehvoah's Witnesses everywhere
by Terry 38 Replies latest jw friends
We pooped Apostates hardly ever encounter an Active JW who will listen to us unless they are family.
These encounters are seldom jolly ones.
I don't expect any of us will carry a large placard and walk in front of a Kingdom Hall.
I expect some of us will OVERHEAR a JW making the usual vocal claims about current SIGNS and applying them to
imminent Armageddon. That is when it becomes incumbent upon us to SPEAK UP.
I had a customer checking out at the cash register the other day who mentioned she was studying with Jehovah's Witnesses.
I innocently asked her if they had taught her he about the significance of 1975?
She said no, that had not. What was I talking about?
I told her my best friend was a Jehovah's Witness back in the 60's and 70's and all he or other JW's would talk about, preach about, write magazine
articles about was that 1975 was
I asked her to ask her bible study conductor what was so significant about it.
You see?
I wasn't confrontational and I didn't lie.
But, I planted a seed.
Black Man
I had a heated convo with my mother who is still a dyed in the wool JW pioneer about the last days and she was going on how these are indeed the last days. I went into detail about how there have ALWAYS been natural disasters, wars, etc. And she goes into the biggest thing about the last days that has impacted her is how natural love and affection have gotten cooler in the time she has been alive and how people were more affectionate and loving back in the day and that things have gotten considerably worse in that vein today. She also said that living in those times were better than living in these last days.
I then asked her if things were THAT good in the past, please explain to me the slavery of the 1700 and 1800s where african americans had no rights, brought to this country against their will, treated as animals, existed in often deplorable conditions. I stated if WE (me and my mother) were alive back in that time, we would be slaves. How could that possibly be better than today?
She didn't have an answer other than to say that people had manners back then and would have been more respectful. It's incredible what a cult can do to logic and reasoning abilities, ain't it?
Terry-- i will answer your challenge-- Bible prophecys that lead to Harmageddon-- The two horned beast( eagle-lion ) go into the middle eastern region after the hidden gold (oil) then the prophecy of Egypt-Libya- upon the return the fall of Babylon the great ( false religion) the merchants stand at a distance and mourn this occurence-Why??? because their shelves are full-no more christmas,easter, no religious holidays- But the 7 headed beast with 10 horns ( united nations ) is handed the power for 1 hour ( a short time ) to do this to babylon ( 9 countries have done away with all organized religion allready according to cnn) Like a swift pitch into the sea with a millstone around her neck-never to be again- This starts the tribulation ( the closing of the ark door persay ) Then the world turns on Gods people and God steps in ( Harmageddon ) But unfortunatly for those who couldnt see these occurences happening under their noses because their teachers were blind leaders Gods word says this-- Satan leads every kingdom ( govt,armies,supporters ) against God at Harmageddon and in Daniel God says he will crush them all. and why will the people be so blinded to do this??? Because from their youth up they have been taught the man made word-Patriotism-the end,but the start of Gods kingdom. Praise be to Jehovah and his son for ending the wickedness on this earth, Then Gods unchanged plans for the earth to be a paradise-and its just as Jesus said--The meek will inherit the earth.(great crowd ) the little flock will be in heaven to be judges and priests alongside Jesus to judge the ressurected ones.
Hi, how long do you think it'll be before Armageddon actually arrrives?
Terry-- Lets see what Gods word showed in prophecy-- The two horned beast ( eagle-lion ) go into the middle east region after the hidden gold ( oil ) Then the prophecy of Egypt-Libya- Then upon the return the fall of Babylon the great ( false religion ) But first they hand over their power for 1 hour ( a short time ) to the 7 headed beast with 10 horns ( united nations ) the one that was( until the end of ww2 ) and wasnt-( done away with after ww2 ) and lives again ) And like a quick pitch into the sea with a millstone around her neck she is destroyed, never to be again.( according to cnn, 9 countries have allready done away with all organized religion )-- The merchants stand at a distance and mourn her,Why??? because their shelves are full- no more religious holidays causes that. That is the start of the tribulation( closing of the door to the ark -persay ) Then while saying peace-security they turn on Gods people-God steps in and Harmageddon begins-sudden destruction of all wickedness on the earth. Unfortunatly for mankind who wouldnt listen- Gods word says this--Satan leads every kingdom ( govt,armies,supporters) against God at Harmageddon. And in Daniel God says he will crush everyone of them. and i will ad this- From our youths up every human on the planet is taught this one man made word-Patriotism- so all who have not entered the ark will follow that man made word to their destruction. Also during the trib-3 inspired expressions will come and all those not in the ark will believe them and be mislead to take their stand in opposition to God for that manmade word. --- You are taught the 2 horned beast is a man, but it isnt- It says one cannot buy or sell ( sanctions ) unless they recieve the mark of the beast ( democracy ) and the mark on the hand signifies physical support-the mark on the head signifies mental support. 666 in the number of man, man gave the title incomplete to this number-3 ruling powers on the earth-govts,false religions- the commercial system-all incomplete in comparison to what Gods kingdom will do for mankind.
Mary-- Only God knows the day and hour- but there are prophecys to keep on the watch for all to see.
Jehovah's Witnesses began their "Going out of business sale" advertisements in the 19th century. It is now th 21st Century and the
nonsense continues.
The Watchtower has been selling a product that never gets shipped! That is fraud.
This religion started with a lie.
Jesus RETURNED to rule in the midst of his enemies in 1874. That was the lie. Armageddon and the destruction of governments and religion was 1914.
That was the lie.
This was preached, written in books and taken to households.
1914 DISPROVED the prediction.
Having been proved to be False Prophets and intellectually dishonest--the explanation of 1914 was CHANGED.
This set the pattern for JW's from that date forward.
Same lies, different dates, same changes and cover-up.
They MAKE STUFF UP. That is their basic task.
Call them on it.
"Really? Is this any different than it was in 1975? If so, how?"
Terry, like you I lived through 1975 and there was nothing special about that year. I seem to remember that the Pope declared 1976 a "Year of Peace" which was also seen as some sort of sign. But I cannot fault Jehovah's Witnesses for maintaining that the end is imminent because that is what the early Christians and all eschatological movements have done. In fact, didn't Peter write something about the scoffers who would say it has always been this way (2 Pet.3:4).
Now I am not arguing that this is the time of the end. It may be or it may not come for another thousand years. I am simply arguing that the sense of urgency that JWs maintain is no different to that of the early Christians (who, it would seem, were also ridiculed for their end-time beliefs).