WT's idea of Disaster Relief

by Juan Viejo2 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2


    "In cooperation with local authorities and other relief agencies, the Witnesses arranged to help meet the immediate needs of their fellow worshippers and other victims in Japan, establishing three teams to help organize disaster relief. These teams are working diligently to contact congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the devastated areas and care for the spiritual, physical, and material needs of their fellow believers. The Witnesses’ international relief efforts are being coordinated from their world headquarters in Brooklyn. The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses is caring for these expenses by utilizing funds donated to the Witnesses’ worldwide work."

    Like Haiti, it's not relief for the VICTIMS of the disaster. It's for "fellow worshippers" and "fellow believers."

    Very telling news release...


  • serenitynow!

    I was just thinking that maybe the JW leadership is so quick to jump in and help JWs in disasters (because they aren't charitable toward their own in non-epic disasters) because they don't want them to be helped by "worldly" charities. If JWs were to partake of worldly, religious charities, they might catch onto the fact that they've been lied to about "evil" Christendom. JWs might start thinking that the world's charities do good work regardless of the religious beliefs of the needy person, they might start wondering how come JWs don't do that.

  • wasblind

    Question for any active JW : Did Christ die for only the ones who believed, or for all ?????

  • serenitynow!
    Question for any active JW : Did Christ die for only the ones who believed, or for all ?????

    Wasblind, as I just learned on another thread, evidently he only died for the 144,000! That was news to me!

  • wasblind

    Was shakes her head

  • FrankWTower

    Their idea of helping disaster victims is preaching, preaching and more preaching.

  • uninformed

    The WT view of disaster relief is to send groups of witnesses in to an affected area to work free for the victims of the disaster so that the victims will assign the insurance benefits over to the WT.

    Therefore, well-intentioned brothers and sisters are screwed to the wall while the WT leaves the area with a bag full of dough.



    Another day at Bethel..

    Send us your Disaster Relief Money!..

    Hide the JW Pedophiles!..Make sure Jesus can`t get in here!..

    Dam!..Do I ever get a Day Off!!

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    What Uninformed said is true, it infuriates me.

    I have family that have devoted countless hours to helping the brothers after the katrina disaster. All their weekends, all there spare time time when they could have been working to pay there own bills that were piling up.

    And the society sits back and collects the insurance checks.

    Donated labor(from the brothers), donated materials (frome the brothers), the society donates nothing, they simply collect the money.

    Sound like a great money maker to me, as long as other peoples suffering does not bother you.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    To be fair, the brothers rebuilt the homes of uninsured JWs too, free of charge.

    But you do the math, it costs the society nothing, so even if only a fraction of the brothers had insurance, its still all profit.

    Disasters hurt people, but it makes the watchtower richer and stronger.

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