You could tell her that you are encouraged by the fact that new releases are being kept to only 192 pages and the rags, er mags, to 32 pages. Some of the brochures are even fewer pages, and that is GREAT, because the planet is losing trees like there is no tomorrow...oh wait, is there a tomorrow? Maybe not, if Armageddon arrives on schedule...
At the very least, you're immensely pleased that the WT is joining the rest of the planet in caring for the environment. Also, the dropping of one meeting through the week shows they are committed to saving this doomed planet(?) by collectively saving tons of gasoline (worldwide that is) and heating fuel/oil as well in those countries where KHs have to be heated for parts of the year. Very positive steps!
Hopefully she sees the irony in this, because there was supposed to be more "gathering of themselves together as the end draws near" but it seems that has gone the way of the dodo...
There have to be other 'positive things' you can focus on that underhandedly show up their doublespeak. I can't come up with any more right now but am thinking...