Unfortunatedly after many years of trainning that style of thinking stays with many of us even after leaving... "open your eyes, wider, wider"
No Independent Thinking?
by FrankWTower 11 Replies latest jw friends
The Fallacy of presenting only TWO scenarios with loaded language and connecting emotional triggers
creates only ONE answer: the answer they have rigged.
Exactly! That is precisely why the WTS does not want its believers to go to college. Anyone can learn about the elements of rational argument in a Comp 1 or 2 class that every single college student has to take as a part of their undergrad degree. Seeing the fallacies that the WTS uses to frame its arguments is easy to do for someone who has learned to recognize "false choice" arguments, "logical fallacies" arguments, or - one of the WTS' favorites the "Straw Man" arguments.