Information in this day in age, through technology, has become so readily available for so many people. This quick supply of information has presented us with a problem. It is human nature to be drawn to sensational information. As history would dictate anything that is human nature can and will be exploited by someone or some group for their own means.
In the recent years I have observed my peers and I have seen them become grossly misinformed. I also have fell prey to the same trap as I sifted through the lies and truths of modern day informational mediums. I am excited to see this world embrace information as it is a necessary step in human evolution, but I also worry about the liars. I don’t worry about the misinformed or ignorant, but I worry about anyone doing purposeful misinforming; lying to their people.
Any leader of any group that decides to lie to it’s people in order to further a specific agenda is a challenge to our livelihoods. It attacks the freedom that was given to us by our ancestor’s blood. In past times we have had to take up arms against these oppressors, but we live in a different time where violence is becoming less necessary. We live in a time where information can be a weapon capable of destroying our oppressors. When a lie is placed side by side with a truth, for all to see, the truth will win without a fight.
For millennia oppressors have been using means of information and emotional control over the people. As history and current day shows, without adequate means of communication the people will fall to the dictators who have been there since their birth. In this day in age the people do have opportunity for adequate means of communication by means of the Internet. I feel it is my duty, as an adept internet programmer, to provide this world with the tools necessary so they can provide the communications the people need to keep themselves within the protective borders of truth.
I have learned, bitterly, that reality is a fragile thing. No matter how firm you feel your grasp is on it when it changes you will not be aware immediately, if ever because if reality changes, in the end, it's your doing. Life is much like a dream in that you can get very lost within it.
I want to help and I have a few ideas. I want to mobilize something, something that fights misinformation, but I don’t know what I am doing.
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