Have you ever felt an earthquake?

by Iamallcool 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    No kiddin', I thought about that after I wrote, but ...................what can I say, that's exactly what was happening.

  • mrsjones5

    Born and raised in California I've been through several quakes. The two biggest was the 1983 Coalinga quake (it was a 6.5), I was at my grandmother's house in Madera, Ca babysitting two of my cousins (The quake was like riding a wave) and the 1989 Loma Prieta quake (it was a 6.9). I was in San Francisco on the fourth floor of Britex Fabrics just east of Union Square. Both quakes were scary but the Loma Prieta quake was the most damaging.

  • MartynAndrew

    Here in Southern Ontario they are rare, but right after I said that we never have things like earth quakes, tornados...the next day we had a mild quake, it was felt over a great area, but not much to it, sort of like a really strong wind shaking the house for about 5 seconds.

  • mrsjones5

    I've even felt a quake in Indiana (2008, 5.2).

  • ShirleyW

    Believe it or not, here in New York City in the mid 80's, early one Saturday morning (headlines on The Daily News next day was " Did ya Feel It") not living far from JFK airport I thought it was a low plane, but the field service meeting was at our house that Saturday morning so the Bro. told my mom that it was on the radio it was indeed a tremor or earthquake, and just from the look on my mothers face, it was one of her many "the end is near" looks as she confirmed the story, by the way, I was the only one that actually felt the tremors, both my parents slept right through it!

  • flipper

    Like Mrs. Jones- being born & raised in California I have been through several really strong quakes. Fortunately- for me- I was NOT close to the epicenter of these quakes but was mileage wise close enough that I felt strong shakes ! I'll give you the blow by blow:

    1971 Los Angeles eathquake in San Fernando Valley - I lived hour and half north - I woke up at age 11 and it sounded like somebody was running around our house banging sticks on the walls ! Being cult mind controlled at age 11 - I thought it was DEMONS ! So I hid under my covers till it was time to go to school. Then I saw on T.V. it was an L.A. earthquake killing about 70 people & destroying freeways.

    1980 was the next big one I felt which hit near Bishop, California in the Sierra mountains. My then wife & I had gone camping with another couple and were unloading supplies back home and we were standing on my friends mobil home deck - it started swaying back and forth like crazy ! Then turned the T.V. on and found out it was RIGHT near where we had been camping ! Freaky.

    1986 up in Northern California somewhere off the west coast near Eureka was 2 hours from where I lived. It shook the chandeliers, shook dishes and wine glasses in cabinets. Then stopped.

    2006 my first year with Mrs. Flipper , she had already gone to bed - I was laying on the couch in the living room - then suddenly the couch starts shaking and wine glasses and dishes start shaking in the cabinet. Once again- the light from the ceiling starts swaying. Then it calmed down. But it was centered south of Lake Tahoe about 2 hours south of us. So- pretty weird. Earthquakes make you feel like you have no control. Because you don't

  • Scully

    Yes there have been 4 strong enough that I could feel, including one on Wednesday that I thought was a big truck rumbling down the street - it rattled our windows and walls, and a few others that I didn't notice.

  • Snoozy

    5.5 in Missouri in the late 60's. I think the quake was actuallly in Illinois. We are on the New Madrid fault..:(

    That was so bad I can't even imagine being in a stronger one!


  • beksbks
    1971 Los Angeles eathquake in San Fernando Valley - I lived hour and half north - I woke up at age 11
    Ha Flip! I could have written exactly the same thing!!!! Well, age 10-11 Santa Barbara Ca.
  • beksbks

    There was one in San Jose about 3 years ago, the one I spoke of previously. The only thing that was out of place in my house, was a couple of DVDs came off the shelf. Rosemary's Baby front and center face up in the hall. Hehehe

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