To the theists: Your reaction if God hypothetically changed the standards of right and wrong

by simon17 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • simon17

    I have more to say on this and its implications, but I'll keep this short to get some initial discussion.

    To those that believe in God, suppose he were to hypothetically change various standards of right and wrong, suppose with the new scrolls to be opened. Things such as rape, theft and immorality are now perfectly fine and acceptable. Would you feel fine to practice those things now, or no?

  • Botzwana

    I probably wouldn't do rape. The other two I would definetely do!

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Rape would not happen because that is doing something that is against someone elses will.

    The same would go for theft. You are taking something that belongs to someone else. Not cool.

    As for immorality...what exactly would that be?

    The Oracle

  • TheClarinetist

    @The Oracle: I think you kind of bipassed the question. You imply that there is such a thing as absolute good and bad that completely separate from God and that even if God considered it good it would still be bad.

  • simon17

    Who cares if its against someone's will? Everything religious thing you do in your life is against SOMEBODIES will, somewhere in the Earth. Maybe your next door neighbor or a Muslim extremist.

    And furthermore, you are saying that God physically cannot change his standard of right or wrong on that matter?

  • simon17

    You imply that there is such a thing as absolute good and bad that completely separate from God and that even if God considered it good it would still be bad

    Incidentally this is one of the points I had planned on making as I heard answers. People seem to poke holes at the athiest for having no basis for a standard of right or wrong if not from god. But really, God has nothing to do with it for religious people either.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    @TheClarinetis: If God considered rape good, I would still consider it bad. Does that clarify my position?

    In other words I would not do anything that I consider evil, simply because someone else (even if it was God) told me it was now okay.

    The people that followed Hitler had that dangerous mentality of blindly following a leader who told them to do evil things.

    That is not cool

    The Oracle

  • AGuest

    I have no response to your hypothetical, dear Simon17 (peace to you!); however, the scrolls that will be opened are not new. By any stretch. That is a WTBTS false teaching. So, I can say, with confidence, that it wouldn't be with those.

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • simon17

    Not sure why you wouldn't just answer a hypothetical question.... why not weigh in?

  • PublishingCult

    Um, things like rape, theft and immorality always were perfectly fine and acceptable to God. Just read the Old Testiment.

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