How the Good work of Russell became the curse of the Watchtower today

by Terry 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    How many of us here give a moment's reflection to the role of the UTTER PUBLIC FAILURE of the 1975 embarrassment in the stranglehold

    of the Governing Body on the rank and file?

    Preventing the brothers and sisters from EVER questioning their authority is the number one focus since that time.

    Nothing is more apparent than that failure in 1975 and nothing is today more lied about and hidden by the Watchtower leadership!

  • moshe
    Nothing is more apparent than that failure in 1975 and nothing is today more lied about and hidden by the Watchtower leadership!

    When your relatives are an embarrassment, everyone stops talkng about them and pretends they don't exist- I like manner, it does not surprise me that JWs are all in cahoots in hiding the 1975 debacle. It has been said that you can actually change your memory of an unhappy past event, by a process called reframing. I do believe that most JWs have changed their recollections about 1975 and have managed to reprogram an alternate past, where JWs didn't pay much attention to that date and they didn't place any expectations for God's great war to begin then.

  • willyloman

    A brilliant post in which the WT's weakest links are totally exposed.

    Great insight on 1975; have added a new word to my vocabulary (reframing).

  • Terry

    How many of us here know how many times the Watchtower Society came up with the same 6,000 year end to human existence and when?

  • Quentin


    1925, Rutherford

    1975, started in the late forties with Franz leading the charge...all I can think of at the moment...

  • Terry

    The END of 6000 years of human existence was used TWICE!

    Two different dates were given.


    "THERE ARE EVIDENCES THAT - Six thousand Years from Adam ended in A.D. 1872." {DPOA A17}


    "No, they are not accidental: undoubtedly the same all-wise One who taught us through the Chronology that six thousand years from Adam's creation ended with A.D. 1872, and that the seventh thousand, the Millennial age, began there; who through the Jubilee cycles taught us that the Lord would be present and the Times of Restitution begin in the fall of 1874; and who through the Times of the Gentiles showed us that we must not expect these things to be done in haste, but by seemingly natural means covering a period of forty years, has in these Parallel Dispensations marked by Israel's 'double' given us evidence which not only itself teaches clearly the Lord's presence, the harvest and the restitution (beginning with favor to fleshly Israel), but at the same time furnishes a proof of the correctness of the other prophetic evidences and of the Chronology. For be it distinctly noticed that if the Chronology, or any of these time-periods, be changed but one year, the beauty and force of this parallelism are destroyed. For instance, if the Chronology be altered but one year, more or less - if we add one year, say to the period of the Kings or the Judges, or if we make it one year less - it would spoil the parallelism. If we should add one year it would make the first of Israel's periods 1846 years long, and the double or other half of it would thus be thrown one year later, while, on the contrary, by such a change of the Chronology the Jubilee cycles would be thrown one year earlier, i.e., A.D. 1873; and it would make the 6000 years end in A.D. 1871, while the Gentile Times would not be affected by it at all. All can see that the harmony or parallelism would thus be utterly destroyed. Or, if one year should be deducted from the chronological reckoning the confusion would be just as great, the changes to the several periods being in an opposite direction. Thus these various time prophecies corroborate each other, while the parallelism of the two dispensations clinches their testimony." {TIAH 241-2} [So exactly A.D. 1872 is.. it]

  • designs

    'Don't look behind the Curtain' ... The Wizard of Oz

  • wobble

    The one thing I do think the JW's have almost got right is that the true message of Jesus was corrupted from the beginning of Christianity.

    There are two problems about that, one is we have no way of knowing what his "message", or appeal ,was. We have no reliable record.

    It could be that it was quite political, the "are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time" question being a hint. We do not know.

    The second problem is that as soon as his followers did the trickery with his body, it was wide open for a new cult to arise, based on his assumed return from the dead.

    So whatever jiggery-pockery Russell, Franz or anybody does with scripture we will not even get to the actual words of Jesus, so all the talk of end time prophecy is a waste of time.

  • designs

    Wobble, we want to see you in the back room........BOE

  • BluesBrother

    I do believe that most JWs have changed their recollections about 1975 and have managed to reprogram an alternate past,

    That made me remember a doorstep conversation, must have back in the early nineties, a young evangelical Christian had given me a hard time over the failed 1975 date. I replied vigorously that "We never said that it would happen that year and people twisted what was actually said"...

    I had lived through those years. I knew what was printed, yet because the words "It will come in '75" never appeared in print, I felt justified in denying it. I knew the inference that was made and the expectation of the times, we were hyped up for it! But I still felt that I could honestly deny it.

    Is that doublethink or what?

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