Charles Taze Russell. And no doubt he borrowed that from some dissenting early Adventist who tried to reason his way out of why Jesus DIDN'T RETURN in 1844 or 1874. So millions of people spend decades arguing over a stupid idea that no one in the history of Christianity had bothered themselves with for 2000 years. Why? Because Jesus made it pretty plain how he would come back.
Jesus made it plain that he would not come back as a human being, having a body of flesh, which, if one applies the scripture, would mean that he would come back as a being a litlle lower than the angels. -- Hebrews 2:9.
It was in 1876 that Russell accepted Barbour's conclusion that Christ had already returned in 1874 (two years earlier). However, Russell had already concluded from his own study of the Bible that Jesus would not return as a human being, in the flesh, since he found out from the scriptures that Jesus had offered his humanity, his flesh, his body, in sacrifice to God. Aside from the fact that if Christ is still flesh that he is still a little lower than the angels (Psalm 8:5; Hebrews 2:9), if he is still flesh, then we have no sacrifice for sin, we have no redemption, and and no price has been given to pay the wages of sin, etc.
1. first; original; primeval: primal eras before the appearance of life on earth . 2. of first importance; fundamental: the primal resources of a nation.
1. any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch, by which humans and animals perceive stimuli originating from outside or inside the body. 2. these faculties collectively. 3. their operation or function; sensation . 4. a feeling or perception produced through the organs of touch, taste, etc., or resulting from a particular condition of some part of the body: to have a sense of cold. 5. a faculty or function of the mind analogous to sensation : the moral sense. 6. any special capacity for perception, estimation, appreciation, etc.: a sense of humor. 7. Usually, senses. clear and sound mental faculties; sanity: Have you taken leave of your senses? 8. a more or less vague perception or impression: a sense of security. 9. a mental discernment, realization, or recognition; acuteness: a just sense of the worth of a thing. 10. the recognition of something as incumbent or fitting: a sense of duty. 11. sound practical intelligence: He has no sense. 12. something that is sensible or reasonable: to talk sense. 13. the meaning or gist of something: You missed the sense of his statement. 14. the value or worth of something; merit: There's no sense in worrying about the past. 15. the meaning of a word or phrase in a specific context, especially as isolated in a dictionary or glossary; the semantic element in a word or group of words. 16. an opinion or judgment formed or held, especially by an assemblage or body of persons: the sense of a meeting. Defintions from
Our primal senses as originally given to us through Adam have been corrupted due to sin. Adam was created with a crown of sinless glory that fully reflected the righteousness of God. Man was given dominion over all the earth, but lost that dominion due to sin, so that, we now do not see all things subjected to man. -- Genesis 1:26,28: Psalm 8:4-8; Romans 3:23; 5:12-19; Hebrews 2:7,8.
The senses the Christian is called upon to use is that which has been revealed through God's holy spirit in the Bible. Thus to the new creation, the primal, that which is of greatest importance, is what God has revealed in the Bible. To deny the purpose for which Jesus came in the flesh, that is, to give that flesh as for the life of the world, would be to deny the very basis of the redemption. Every thing in the New Testament, once properly understood, agrees with this. If we think we have found something that disgrees with this, then we have fully appreciated what was written; if this is so, usually our minds can only see the scripture through the blinding tint of man's tradition, and in doing so, we fail to get the full picture.