The Watchtower Brand

by jgnat 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nickolas

    Seems to me you've got it nailed, jgnat.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Depends on where you live, I suppose. Some places insist on a coat during FS at all time, other places not so much. Last place I went out at, if you were leaving a tract at a not at home, the service overseer would insist you put it below waist level, rolled with one corner creased just enough to tuck in, not the entire thing folded. He had some wacky reason this was the ONLY right way acceptable to the big J to leave a tract.

  • Poztate
    Outlaw, did you mean no short sleeves ?

    Nope Outlaw meant wear your DAMM JACKET at all times. You think they are control freaks now but they used to be worse.

    In the late 60's and early 70's you were not allowed to take off your jacket at any time in service. I was out in service in desert country where the temperature commonly reached 100 + and it was severely frowned on if you even thought about taking off your jacket. You smelled quite ripe by the end of the day.

    An Elder once conducting at the WT study in the middle of summer in a hall with no AC apologized for his need to remove his jacket to conduct.

    A gasp of amazement rose from the audience and a buzz of whispering. At the next meeting it was back to "normal" and I never saw another elder remove his jacket.

    Don't even get me started on the "white shirt only" rule....

  • punkofnice

    Jehovah = their 'brand name' for god.

    It's all about business or as they like to say 'greedy commerce'.

    That's why they've gone 'charity' because they won't have to pay Caesar's things to Caesar!

    Everything about the JW's is wholly 'business' right down to dress code.......................including no beards and tattoos!!

  • carla

    Does their uniform really identify them? To us and each other of course, however as already stated most people cannot tell the difference between a Mormon or a jw. I remember years ago pre- jw life we would see people dressed up in cars or gas stations and assume they had a long day ahead of them if they had to go to a wedding this early! Figured they must be on the way to one of those Catholic long mid day mass weddings! lol! Never dawned on us (including my now jw) that they were jw's, didn't even register with us.

  • jgnat

    I agree that clothing is an odd one, and that trimmed hair and ties and all that go along with the corporate look. Nevertheless, appropriate dress is again being brought up from the platform!

    I've had fun at my hubby's expense for some of these, especially the admonition against "slogan clothing" a couple years ago. I've dared him to wear a slogan t-shirt under his dress shirt, and reminded him that he has to sock away his treasured New York Yankees tie.

    (rabbit trail) Which reminds me of my favorite tie to date, belonging to a soft-spoken brother with an "unbelieving mate" at home. His tie sported little houses all over it, which I thought was highly appropriate. I made sure to compliment him on it.

    This past winter, our new CO deplored the winter dress of the men and advised them to get themselves a decent dress-coat. I've grinningly reminded hubby a few times that his puffy winter parka doesn't fit the guidelines.



    There was a time( pre 1980 ) at all the local book studies where you could dress in a regular t-shirt,gym shoes, slacks or jeans. Then one day they announced that all the brothers had to wear a suit and tie to the book study. We asked the conductor why the new change and he said,'' We need to look presentable to all the neighbors who see us get out of our cars and walk to each house.''

    Some brothers and sisters homes had no air- conditioners and we walked into a sweat box every week. Also,the conductor wouldn't let us take our suit jackets off.

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