am i wrong?

by lenahmata 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nugget

    Under JW rules you did the right thing, you were not a sharer in her sins. You are free of guilt.

    The reason you feel bad is because as a human being you poked your nose into someone elses business and they didn't appreciate it. They have been embarrased and interogated based on what you said. They are human beings so react as human beings will, you stirred up this mess and it is towards you that anger is directed.

    The JWs encourage this sort of thing but really in any other setting this would be none of your business. Take a long look at it and put yourself in the RPs shoes and think about the sort of person you are becoming, do you like who you are?

  • ssn587

    lenahmata you imo of course should have minded your own business, no one likes a snitch, she wasn't commiting a crime, no conspiring to comit one, what she or anyone else does on the own time is their business not yours. and neither is what you do anyone else's business.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    The JWs encourage this sort of thing but really in any other setting this would be none of your business.

    Exactly. Snitching has its place in the real world, if it's to protect a person from themselves, or if their actions are hurting someone else. Even then it should be a last resort.

    But it should never be an instrument used solely for the aid of enabling other imperfect men to sit in judgment of you.

  • Lozhasleft

    Hello and welcome. Your comfortable feelings now, after doing this, are telling you that this isnt a good way to behave. Sadly it is the accepted and encouraged way to behave as a JW...but therein lies the problem...the JWs distort the scriptures to be able to use controlling fear inspiring tactics to keep members in the organisation. This is why you should fade out as fast as possible for your own sake.

    Loz x

    Edited to add - although I dont condone the 'snitching' -this girl brought this on herself by leading a hypocritical life so as to be in a respected position in the congregation and have her secret outside relationship - she must have known she was sailing close to the wind....

  • Peaches1978

    Honey let me tell you how it is. 1) mind your business, 2) snithches get Thiches 3) stop worrying about other people and worry about your own self, 4) welcome to the board.

  • punkofnice

    Hello, lenahatma.

    I don't know your story EI if you are a 'believer' or not.

    I am considered a 'spiritually weak apostate', so, will what I say mean anything to you?

    The best thing you can do is become a 'spiritually weak apostate' as 'snitching' is typical of how a cult works to keep the sheeple in line.

    It really isn't about not bringing reproach on Jehovah's name (which is the watchtower brand name for the Lord). rather it's about making the JW GB look squeaky clean. It's a marketing tactic to get bums on seats.

    Please research the following - RandCam. Philip Morris Tobacco and UN NGO.

    Then you will see that the JW org is just a big business posing as a religion to get money and/or power for the leaders.

    Sorry to be so brutal but you just need to know is all.

  • watson

    I wanna meat this girl...

  • pontoon

    Why does the borg want everyone to snitch everyone out anyway when one of there favorite lines is "leave it in Jeh's hand,' or 'Jeh. will work it out?"

  • pirata

    As a JW, you technically you should have talked to her first and givern her the opportunity to talk to the Elders first, and then if she doesn't then you go talk to the Elders. You would need a second witness if she doesn't admit it.

    Technically too, the congregation should not be creating divisions and gossiping about this. Did one of the elder's wives start blabbing or maybe the RP sister?

    In the meantime, if this discussion board is not your thing, there's a lot of good factual information here:

  • cantleave

    Welcome to this group. Look around, use you brain and prove to yourself you are in a cult. THEN RUN LIKE HELL away from the JW's.

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