Have you ever read this book?
Where is that "Hidden HOOK"?
by Terry 20 Replies latest social current
Allowing God to break free from this dusty, tampered, interpreted book may be the single greatest act of pure worship possible!
When you look at the great thinkers throughout history from the ancient Greeks and Romans, through the Enlightenment down to our day, very few were hide bound by the religion of their day, only a small percentage were Christian, and even then their thoughts do not seem to be too tainted or constricted by the Bible.
Mankind's collection of wisdom has come about despite the Bible, not because of it, so freeing oneself from its baleful influence allows thoughts to come that are actually of value.
It was when we accepted the Bible as the actual words of God, the actual words of Jesus, the actual factual accounts of Apostles and an accurate historical record of real events in mankind's history. We had been conditioned to automatically accept that as a GIVEN and we did. We saw wriggling in the water a yummy morsel of The Truth, beautifully explained FROM THE BIBLE and we chomped down on it.
I completely agree with this.
They come to your door under the pretense of simply wanting to share encouragement from the Bible. They’ll bait you by innocently reading a scripture from The New World Translation- Then the switch! A scripted presentation on the current Watchtower publication offer.
I demonstrated the JW technique for baiting the hook in one of my videos. I actually caught the entire process on video when I allowed one of the more smoother JW's I've seen try and justify the idea that all JW's are ordained ministers @ :58 seconds.
Have you ever read this book?...Terry...
Yes. The Bible is a collection of writtings than can be panned for nuggets, along with other "wisdom" books. A person can have a personel relationship with God sans any type of holy writ, or religion for that matter. I came to understand that after the fact. God and spritual matters are for the individual, not the collective. I do my best to live by "The Law of the Good Samaritain". Honed and polished it is a foundation to build ones live on. Anything else I may belive about the Creator, or spritual things is my bussiness. Not to be tampered with by another's idea of right, or wrong, or what book from on high is correct....Good points Terry...positive comments by all.
None of us has escaped being yanked out of the water, panfried, eaten and pooped. We are a steaming pile of Apostate crap in the opinion of the Jehovah's Witnesses. How did we get here?
Terry ...
I still don't quite get the connection between the Hidden Hook and getting a new Catalytic Converter.
Am I missing something?
Rub a Dub
Terry ...
I still don't quite get the connection between the Hidden Hook and getting a new Catalytic Converter.
Am I missing something?
Rub a Dub
You'd have to be A Catalytic Bishop or priest to understand, I'm afraid.
Good points, Terry.
I've been spending a lot of time with my Catholic and Orthodox family/friends lately and we actually had a discussion over a similar topic (and I didn't start it).
Neither side holds the Bible at the sole authority. The Roman side of the fam believes it also resides in combination with the Magisterium and something they call the sensus fideium. I thought they were going to say the Pope, but they surprised me when uncle Roy stated: "The Church can exist when there is no Pope, but the Pope cannot exist if there is no Church." And the Orthodox said they had something similar, that authority was invested in their religion and exercised through clergy. "But if there is no Church to validate the Bible, then there is no Bible." Both sides of the table agreed.
And while both agreed they could show what they believed in Scripture and defend it, both sides also agreed that using it as a proof text like I did as a Witness was wrong.
So I guess the points work well in the sola scriptura world, but they didn't fly well over a family reunion dinner (but first time in my entire life we ever talked religion...and peacefully among 50 of us...quite interesting).
I'm sure there some kind of hook in there somewhere, but there were homemade flour tortillas on the table as well, so I wasn't entirely as focused as I could have been.--LOL
Otherwise, excellent post. Excellent!
Yes, the JWs present themselves as a "moderate" and "loving" religion, and it is not until you get baptised that you realize you have been "hooked" and can't get out without your family being ripped apart.
The "hook" is baptism. If you never get baptised, you can never get df'd or da'd.
Then, of course, if I knew then what I know now, I would have never set foot into a kingdom hall.
Unfortunately, I was born in.
A scripted presentation on the current Watchtower publication offer.
Absolutely everything is being pre-scripted by the said FDSL to lure more followers who will finance their publishing empire.
Brain washing by tactics of coercive and manipulation.
Its surprising how many people don't realize this is being done, I'd assume its because its presented with religious purity,
righteousness and truth. Religion is a con game, where the original orchestrators want only the people around who
are willing to play THEIR game, for in THEIR game they accumulate uplifted personal stature, power and control UN to themselves.
Not to forget money so they can continue on playing with what they have achieved toward themselves .