Whisper in My Ear

by compound complex 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird
  • Quentin

    The hardest thing to deal with is the negative that slithers into our lives, beats us to our knees to the point we overlook the postive that is always there. I am constantly amazed how people endure. Granted, some better than others, yet endure we do. That gives hope, with hope even love lost can be found again. Mine did, but, not before walking through the environs of hell where hope dimmed almost to the point of leaving me.

    I stumble bout the room

    Clining tight the hope I have

    While dancing with a broom

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I stumble bout the room

    Clinging tight the hope I have

    While dancing with a broom

    This bears repeating, Quentin ... Thanks!


  • Quendi

    I am no poet and that makes me admire those with the gift all the more. Thanks for sharing.


  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Yet, you can turn an artful phrase
    and compel with reasoning clear ...

    Thanks for stopping by!


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