Regular Pioneers: How low will the WT go?

by Alfred 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Alfred

    So I just came across an article in the Watchtower (December 1, 1959 page 726) where it mentions that pioneers (or should I say culportuers?) in the 1930s had to put in a minimum of 150 hoursper month in field circus with the phonograph (I'm guessing the record being played was Rutherford's "Millions" speech). I have to wonder how many pioneers the WT would actually have nowadays if this were still the minimum monthly quota and if they'd still have to stand on a street corner with some sort of audio system... In today's economy, I really don't think they'll find much more than 2 potential candidates per circuit... which is obviously the reason that the GB keeps lowering the bar...

    But I have to ask: How low do you think the WT will go (on the monthly min hrs) before regular pioneers eventually reach the treshold of losing their "elevated status" in the Congo? 65 hours? 50 hours? 35 hours?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I was thinking about this topic last night...

    One of the things I could never scriptually reconcile as a JW was pioneering. Sure, the scriptures say to go out and make disciples etc, but no where does the Bible specify that we should do a certain number of hours, or to designate a group of people who do more than others as "pioneers" or any other label.

    I was always a regular publisher, and felt it was important to preach "the good news" but pioneering just wasn't something that I saw as a requirement for Christians. To me, it was a man-made label and hour requirement, and therefore I wasn't answerable to anyone if I chose not to pioneer.

  • MrFreeze

    I always found it odd that the term pioneer was not in the Bible.

    I guess it is the same with the Trinity huh? The word trinity is not in the Bible so it must be false!

  • WTWizard

    The word "pioneer" actually means "preparing the way for others to follow". Which the witlesses that pio-sneer are not doing, no matter how many hours they are wasting in field circus. You could go out 200 hours a month in the same territory, but if you are not preparing the way, you are not a true pioneer. Pio-sneer is much more accurate, since most of them seek that elevated status.

    How low can they go and stay elevated? A good question. At one point, the minimum was 60 hours a month and 12 studies for a regular publisher. These days, an auxiliary pio-sneer can get by with only 50 hours--10 below the minimum for a publisher back in the 1940s. A regular pio-sneer, once needing 150 hours a month, can now get by with only 70 hours. At some point, they are going to decide that everyone must do it--at which point the special status is going to disappear. Those who do not do it will be looked down on. You take a boost in status for doing it and turn it into a cut in status for not doing it, and pretty soon they lose the incentives.

    As far as I see, to earn the rank "pioneer", they need to prepare the way for others to follow. A true pioneer can spend as few as 10 hours a month, but as long as they are preparing the way for others, they would qualify. A pio-sneer who doesn't prepare the way for others can waste 500 hours a month, but as long as they are merely going in the same circles as everyone else is, they are not pioneers.

  • slimboyfat

    There was a rumour a couple of years ago they were lowering the pioneer requirement to 50 hours a month but it never materialised.

  • on the rocks
    on the rocks

    There is a"discount" scheme going on...only 30 hrs for the Month of April 2011 ...u will be counted as a pioneer:))

  • punkofnice

    No matter how many hours it is it is still non productive. I've seen very little growth from the door knocking.

    Perhaps the would have more success with a phonograph in the street...........but let's not tell them that!

    I remember pioneering. Coffee calls. Walking slowly. Coffee breaks. Counting time anyway I wanted to.

    I recall showing a study of mine the tract about flase religion's end. He was excited and said this was just what he'd been waiting to hear. FFW to now. Jar-Hoover hasn't vacuumed the world's religions away and I go to the Baptist Church!

    GB message = PWND!

  • jeckle

    poc- i am thinking of attending a baptist church too not regularly tho i also like a calvary church nearby it helps a lot of the community

  • punkofnice

    @jeckle. It was the first Church I ever attended. I had just left the JW's cold turkey and was looking for a new home for my newly discovered trinitarian type Jesus beliefs. (I hope this doesn't sound like 'where else will you go')

    I am not really sure what I actually believe anymore. However, the Baptist Church was welcoming and really friendly.

    They didn't regard me suspiciously and ask if I were DF'd or if they could count time with me. or if I were in 'good standing'

    But I go off thread.........................

  • miseryloveselders

    But I have to ask: How low do you think the WT will go (on the monthly min hrs) before regular pioneers eventually reach the treshold of losing their "elevated status" in the Congo? 65 hours? 50 hours? 35 hours?

    I think it lost its "elevated status" years ago. There's a reason why the WT has to keep printing articles "encouraging" JWs to consider pioneering. Now as Slimboy mentioned they've offered a discount for the month of April 2011, similar to a coupon. I guess when flogging the sheep with so called encouragement articles doesn't work, the WT resorts to plan B which is to make it more simple so as to leave no excuses for why one cannot pioneer, at least for the month of April anyway. It's almost as if they're saying, "we dropped it to thirty hours for you lazy jackasses! What more do you ingrates want us to do for you so that you can worship Jehovah more fully?"

    I used to think that the powers that be in this organization don't get it. The more I look at though, I'm becoming convinced that they get it, all too well. The reality is that many if not most JWs don't want to go out in field service either from fear, or hatred. Can you imagine if the WT did away with field service slips and publishers having to turn in their time? 80% of JWs would cease door to door overnight. Consider the publication Bearing Thorough Witness which focuses on the book of Acts. The use of this kind of material for the Congregation Bible Study formerly the Book Study, is unprecedented. This book is all about making the case for the need to go out in field service. The subjects in this book are more suited for the Service Meeting, as opposed to the Theocratic Ministry School, but I guess the ends justify the means. They, as in the WT, are doing all that they can to encourage people to go out in field service. They know plenty of JWs don't want to go out in field service, so they're pulling all the stops on everything from encouraging, to discounted coupon months for auxilliary pioneering.

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