I had a sister who was a tenant in my house and her car was leaking oil all over my newly paved driveway before she moved in i had a condition on the lease that said if her car leaked oil she couldnt park there and i told here after she moved in that she was being deceptive to me when she said her car didnt leak oil she was good friends with a lot of powerful elders in the hall and would you believe they asked to meet with me 3 elders in the back room of the library because they said i had called this sister a liar I got out of it only after i produced a copy of the lease and pictures of the oil mess if i hadnt of had pictures maybe i would of been dfd
craziest reason elders wanted to have a commitee meeting with you
by glentrevette 40 Replies latest jw experiences
Classic tale . . . often told. It's not the facts that are necessarily important to Elders . . . it's looking after thier "friends" . . . don't they just love thier job! . . . 3 of them and a meeting . . . when a quiet word from just one on the side would have sufficed. JW's who are cosy with the Elders just love to let them out of thier cage . . . I think you need to be more strict as a landlord . . . put the rent up? . . . I hope you at least get her to pay for cleanup now the truth of the matter is established.
Luvonya - MS
Broken Promises
You wouldn't have been df'd for allegedly lying but you would have been on their black list for sure.
I got called in to a JC when I got kicked out of home. The elders were expecting to hear a tale of me fornicating, or drinking, smoking or whatever. I was 18 and unemployed. The egg was on my father and step-mum's faces when there was no scriptural reason for me being kicked out. The only reason I was kicked out of home was the fact that my step-mum was a selfish bitch and my father was too spineless to stand up to her.
Elders have a warped perspective and are not impartial. They protect themselves first, then family, then friends. They are motivated by power, self importance and occasionally by spite. They are men imperfect sometimes petty. God, christian love, compassion and love of the congregation come much lower on the list. They are what the religion made them.
Elders have spoken to us about not showing due reverence at meetings because we laughed at announcements that talked about , household acid parties and the 3 maggies (instead of Magi).
Husband was counselled because hair was too trendy lol and when he went bald that his hair was too short.
There have been other encounters some more serious than others but they demonstrate that elders are sometimes more concerned with the small stuff whilst the big abuses pass them by.
Broken Promises
The 3 maggies:
That is such a trivial reason to hold a star chamber hearing... the elders should have simply told her to grow up and deal with it... give me a break...
That being said, maybe she's one of those people who simply won't notice anything if their car springs a leak... you know, the ones that are completely oblivious when it comes to mechanical things... I'm just saying...
That is so trivial and they obviously love getting in the middle. If they read their book/manual the direction is that this matter should have been handled between you and the sister. She was having them do her dirty work. I have known of numerous instances where there are squabbles in the congregation and one approaches the elders. They were instructed to handle it themselves this was not an elder matter.
elders are sometimes more concerned with the small stuff whilst the big abuses pass them by.
otherwise known as - 'straining the gnat' Nugget?
Loz x
I had a meeting with the service committee at my congregation to discuss whether I was fit to auxillary pioneer. the topics for discussion were:
1. The thought I dressed wrong. (I wore an Armani suit the day of the meeting)
2. They didn't like my hair. (Too spikey, and I wasn't bald like them)
3. Someone reported that I used the "F" word. (Not the one you are thinking of, it was fart)
JRK... sounds like the "fart" word was your 3rd strike... does that mean you have been an auxiliary pioneer if you had said "passing gas" instead?