Mom Tries to Kill Kids, Self, Before 'Tribulation' Comes

by whereami 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Violia

    A lot of folks believe the world is going to end, not just jws. I once got a bit freaked out from watching cable news(back when it was new). I never thought like this woman , however. It can make you think the world is about to end if you are inclined that way anyhow. I was sure the end was coming until my friend, an elder, told me to quit watching the news so much. I said " but isn't the end coming" and he'd laugh and say ," NOT LITERALLY, it is a concept , our faith"

    Some jws believe the "end" is a concept and others think it is literal. The ones who think it is a concept are frequently the better educated, elders and higher ups, and they won't tell the others this. The less educated are more likely to think it is very real, you know, the same folks who think we will pet tigers and Jesus will come back on a white horse . ( that would have been me at one time)

    This poor woman needs to (after they release her from the prison or mental institution) quit watching 24/7 news. there is always a disaster somewhere in the world and with our technology now, it can seem overwhelming.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    You can see the progression of mental illness on her face from the first photo to the second. Why don't these bozos start with themselves and not others? Praise the Lord! Whether killing thousands, or just three, a box cutter is a very handy tool evidently. All she needed was a plane ticket.

  • NeonMadman

    I was wondering if she might have been a follower of Harold Camping. He says that the Rapture will occur on May 21, less than two months from now. I was driving up I-95 in Connecticut yesterday and saw two billboards proclaiming that date, then got home and found an ad in Reader's Digest as well. Word is getting around.

  • Violia


    Not in any way defending this horrible crime, just trying to understand her mindset. She probably did feel she was doing them a favor. Many a jws woman might have hoped for death by any means than be raped during tribulation. In this woman's mind she feels she may be saving her daughters from horrific crimes against them, rape, and other horrible things. of course she is mentally ill, but this is probably what drove her to it. sort of like shooting a person who is being burned alive. It is a merciful thing to do. this woman is very ill . There are a lot of folks now who think Armageddon is coming, not just Jws. Some of them may prefer to take their life than be tortured to death .

    note, for some reason the yellow highlighter is on and I can't figure out how to trun it off, so if this post comes out with a lot of yellow highlights, sorrry.

  • skeeter1

    This chick went coo-coo over co-co puffs.

  • wasblind

    Um Um, Naw Skeeter, ( Wuz shakes her head ) ain't no way Co Co Puffs could cause that much craziness,

    she was too focused on the end coming instead of enjoyin' life, she had a doomsday mindset , there are

    plenty of doomsdays religions other than the WTS, but I would be courious to know if they found some

    WT mags in the house or was she a Bible study

  • skeeter1

    I found the following on her. It doesn't look like she was in the JWs, but part of another doomsday cult.

    Ron, Just Cut It Out

    A hat tip to the Banned by HWA blog for bringing this story to light. According to Los Angeles TV station KTLA, Lyn Benedetto tried to kill her two children and herself to spare them the agony of the soon-coming Great Tribulation. According to the story on Banned by HWA and confirming comments, this woman and her husband were WCG members back in 1994 but no one had information as to what group they are affiliated with now.

    So we don’t know whether or not they are PKG members or members of another Herblet cult. No matter. The disgusting message put out by Ron and his ilk can result in deadly harm.

    Ron, you are morally responsible if this was one of your members. As you are morally responsible for all the family relationships you’ve helped destroy.

    Ron, Just Cut it Out. You know you’re a false prophet, that you’re just making your balogna sandwiches as you go. Limit any further damage, just admit it to your followers. Let your people go before it happens to one of them, if it hasn’t already

  • skeeter1

    I found the following on her. It doesn't look like she was in the JWs, but part of another doomsday cult.

    Ron, Just Cut It Out

    A hat tip to the Banned by HWA blog for bringing this story to light. According to Los Angeles TV station KTLA, Lyn Benedetto tried to kill her two children and herself to spare them the agony of the soon-coming Great Tribulation. According to the story on Banned by HWA and confirming comments, this woman and her husband were WCG members back in 1994 but no one had information as to what group they are affiliated with now.

    So we don’t know whether or not they are PKG members or members of another Herblet cult. No matter. The disgusting message put out by Ron and his ilk can result in deadly harm.

    Ron, you are morally responsible if this was one of your members. As you are morally responsible for all the family relationships you’ve helped destroy.

    Ron, Just Cut it Out. You know you’re a false prophet, that you’re just making your balogna sandwiches as you go. Limit any further damage, just admit it to your followers. Let your people go before it happens to one of them, if it hasn’t already

  • skeeter1

    As the above blog alludes, she was part of "WCG" (Worldwide Church of God). I'd never heard of them, but they are similar to the JWs in many ways....



    Watchtower vs WCG
    I was doing some research on the computer yesterday and what I had searched for brought up a very interesting page written by Worldwide Church of God. It had the harlot of babylon picture on the very top and it looked very very similiar to a lot of the photos I remembered seeing the the JW Revelation book. (remember how many times we studied that one?) I could not believe my eyes. I know now after doing alot of (forbidden) reading and studying that the JW religion is not all that original but I guess sometimes I forget.

    Did you know that the Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism) has alot of the same beliefs as the JWs. I had never even heard of them until I was inactive and they have been around since at least 1934 also. There are just so many coincidences. Especially when the witnesses act as if they are the only ones with this knowledge. Part of me thinks that is partly the reason they don't want you to read others magazines. You might find that Armstrong is a better religion and go there. You may not feel so special as a JW if you know that WCG is also against the trinity and pagan holidays.......

    Here are just some of the similarities between JWs and the WCG religion:

    • Reject the trinity
    • Practice disfellowshipping
    • Do not participate in war
    • Do not vote
    • Believe the cross is a pagan symbol
    • No christmas, easter, or bdays
    • Love millenialism
    • Believe they are the one true church
    • Believe all other churches are from the devil
    • Prophesied the end of the world in 1970's
    • Published the Plain Truth magazine
    • Owned radio show

    I am sure there are probably more similarities but these are the most surprising to me. Do I believe as a JW anymore? no. But, I did think that they were at least pretty original. Now I wonder who copied who. Did the two religions feed off each other? Did the leaders know each other? Did they both believe and follow CT Russell? Miller?

    Now the WCG has lost their Armstrong leader and now someone else is doing the leading. It sounds as if they are now going back to mainstream christianity and changing alot of their beloved beliefs. I wonder where the followers will go that do not agree with all of the new changes.

    And, should we be going to a church at all? They are just human leaders. But, if not a church where do we go for fellowship and worship? Should we just be meeting at small home groups? I am still left wondering and searching (not such a bad thing).

    If anyone is out there with similar thoughts and questions please let me know what you have gone through!! I love fellowship on line at least. Can you imagine being in the 1970s and not being able to communicate with others who are questioning!!?? I guess that is why most simply did not question. Very sad.

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