Hey fellas, would you cheat on this woman? Beautiful, but deadly.

by miseryloveselders 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Este

    No, I just respond. Kind words will be met with the same......


    Oh shut up LOL, idiot.........

    Make me shut up if you think you can......


  • Twitch
    How many of you can honestly say that you are able to attract this type of female?

    What type of "female" do you mean, exactly?

  • Este

    What type of "female" do you mean, exactly?

    The one depicted on the photograph, or any others similar in attraction. I know the type that do modeling and rely on their outward appearance to earn a living whether it be print or other. The "very" attractive female.


  • Twitch

    So, you believe nobody here is able to attract the above average looking "female"?

  • HintOfLime
    So, you believe nobody here is able to attract the above average looking "female"?

    Obviously people who are physically attractive don't want anything to do with anyone who isn't also extremely physically attractive. Because looks are everything.

    Also, because this is the internet, everyone on this forum is an overweight slob who lives in their parent's basement.

    - Lime

  • Este

    So, you believe nobody here is able to attract the above average looking "female"?

    No, I just posed a question. What would it take to attract the "model" type of female? How many males can she have after her within a whim? I have seen this type of female take advantage, or "play" the male to get what she might need or just want. President Clinton is a good example of a weak man who cowered to an attractive female, and average one at that. Will it take wealth or good looks to attract this type of female? What about a good man with a kind heart? Is that enough to win "her" over?


  • freddo

    I've no idea who she would find attractive Este - I certainly find her looks attractive but that is not the same as being an attractive person is it?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    President Clinton whips it out for ANY female, E.

    As for this woman, she isn't THAT attractive. Sure, she's at least an 8.5 but there are hundreds like her on any major college campus.

  • MeanMrMustard


    " It might be kind of risky......."

    Yeah, but how would you feel if she had leg warmers on?? :)

  • miseryloveselders


    "It might be kind of risky......."

    Yeah, but how would you feel if she had leg warmers on?? :)

    You all just won't let the leg warmers die huh LOL!!!! I swear I love everyone on this forum LOL. Spring time is coming and leg warmers and women will be so far off my personal radar. I've got so much work to do. I have to say, I love the way women dress in the wintertime. Something about it makes me intrigued. Right now, with spring time coming, I've only got a couple things on my mind........work and reading. Thats all.

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