It seems that most members live in America and the Canadian content is low and spread out across the land! I was wondering how many lived near the GTA and would want to go out for some beer in the spring time and get toasted?
Apostatefest in Toronto
by Beans 15 Replies latest jw friends
Sure why not beans, it's quite possible, I've wanted and certainly tried to get to TO gatherings before but unfortunately mine has to be a very slow and cautious exit from the damned CULT!
Spring sounds about right. But I'll be coming up from the States.
Nobody at a Toronto Apostofest would rat you out!
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden
Pierced Angel
I'll be coming back to TO for sure in the spring. This time sans children so I can party with everyone. So many sexy guys, how could I not go back?
keep us posted!
I want to go! Please give details ... I need to meet people like me. What is GTA?
GTA is short for Greater Toronto Area,there are so many suburbs surrounding the city,so thats what we call it!
concerned mama
I don't qualify, since I was never JW, but the prairies are a LONG way from Toronto. Have fun anyway!
Speaking as one of the sexy guys (and modest too!) that PiercedAngel was referring to...I'd like to welcome all you beautiful ladies to the City of Love!
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
PS. We don't need an Apostofest to get together...a few of us are always game and all we need is a couple of days don't be shy! -
Alright here's a suggestion for the next Apostofest: the weekend of March 2 and 3rd.
"Why those dates?" I hear you breathlessly gasp.
Because, on those dates we can look forward to a special guest appearance from: (revelatory trumpet blasts)
BITTER MANGO!! (wild cheering and applause)
Mango has also informed me that for the entire weekend, DRINKS ARE ON HER! So the more the merrier!
How many driving hours from NH to Toronto, you think? 6?