MY You Tube video has been removed

by Lady Lee 86 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have emailed YouTube. I don't know that they will give me any information so I passed on the email address of the owner of the video.

    Interesting note:

    I recently joined a group called the Centre for Inquiry a Freethought-Rationalism group. It is interesting. They have some good discussion on religion and how it controls the masses. Yesterday someone brought up the Milgram experiments where a person was convinced to torture somebody. The book that came from the experiments is called Obedience to Authority.

    AHA! I know all about this. I told a bit about my story and they wondered if I would be interested in doing a video

    Oh life is amusing sometimes. I thought I would share my YouTube video with them and that is how I found out iot was removed.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have to go out but will be back later to see if I have any responses from anyone

    I left a very mild comment about a JW you-tube of a convention and it was removed. I assumed someone complained.....Jgnat

    Now Jnat?..2 of the kindest people on JWN get knocked off of You Tube..


    JW`s have no problem Criticizing anyone or anything..Hypocrites..

    It`s a WBT$/JW Holy War..

    Time to Fight Back

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • Brother_Izzacult

    I removed it. Sorry about that! :)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Why??? And who are you?

    Or are you joking? If you did have it removed please contact them and retract your reasons for wanting it removed.

    I got an email from them that basically said refer to the Community Guidelines but that didn't tell me much at all. so I have emailed them back.

    I want it back and I want my 400,000+ hits back

  • Snoozy
    Laws here are different than they are in the US. I was a "qualified" therapist and was recognized as such in the community. Th emedia often used me as a source person for abuse issue. I had psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers refer patients to me. I spoke frequently in the community, at the colleges and both Concordia and McGill University about abuse issues. For a long time I was the "go-to" person in Montreal

    So you aren't licensed then? Just wondering..

    Ex-Jehovah's Witness, Therapist discusses MIND CONTROL

    Maybe this is why they took it down? Just saying..

    The requirements for being registered, licensed, certified or chartered as a psychologist providing psychological services varies from province-to-province in Canada. Having a master's or doctoral degree does not guarantee eligibility to practice. The normal requirements are (a) possessing the required graduate degree, (b) having received supervised experience, and (c) passing written and oral exams on practice and ethical issues. It is a student’s responsibility to learn about the licensing, certification, or chartering requirements of the jurisdictions in which they wish to practice and the quality of the graduate programs in which they are considering training.
    Copyright (c) 2011 Canadian Psychological Association. All rights reserved
  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I'm retired now. I'm not offering a service. I didn't even post the thing. James Penton is on there. He isn't a licensed therapist but he can have his say. Mouthy/Grace is on there. She doesn't have a degree. Any Joe Blow can have his say. YOU could make a video and go on there and say what you want about the JWs.

    I'm not offering a service. I'm not telling anyone to contact me. I'm not even telling JWs to "get out of her my people."

    And I was never a psychologist and never pretended to be. So licensing by the CPA means nothing to me. I was a Social Service Worker and when I working in agencies I was worked under their suoervision and under their insurance policies. If anything I would have been licnesed under Social Workers.

  • sabastious

    Does it have anything in it that could be considered copyright infringement?


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    BTW I was going out. Or so I thought.

    My wheelchair needed some major repairs. The forks that hold the front two wheels on were frozen in place so they had to take it in to replace them. One of the wheels never touched the ground which made traction extremely dangerous. So they took my chair in to replace the part and discovcered that the problem was much worse than they thought. it took them 4 hours just to get one arm off. It was seized up inside very badly. So they lent me a chair.

    I went out the other day after charging it and withing a few blocks I was running out of power so had to come home. So I charged it again when I got home. Yesterday I got all dressed to go out and got as far as the elevator only to discover it wasn't working so had to come back home. So I just got all dressed again and got to the elevator and the power meter is dropping to nothing while I wathced it. I got downstais, aborted going out, picked up my mail and by the time I was back at my door the chair was flashing at me that I had no power left.

    So now I am waiting for them to send someone to look at it. Meanwhile I am trapped. AAAAAAaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    The person who made the video and owns the copyright on it was the one to post it so that isn't the reason.

    Plus he just emailed me saying he doesn't care if someone else posts it.

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