What in the world is wrong with public displays of affection?

by Mad Sweeney 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    A comment or two made on the "Gay Glee" thread prompts this question. A couple posters said that gay people shouldn't show affection in public and went on to add that even heterosexual affection in public makes them uncomfortable, or it isn't appropriate, or whatever.

    My question is simply, WHY?

    Is it because you aren't getting any and someone else obviously is? My wife and I are very affectionate in public and I know it has honked off some people but we frankly don't understand why.

  • blondie

    The WTS finds it bad for people married to each other to hold hands during a prayer..........

  • mrsjones5
  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    You said it, Blondie. This was one of the last straws for me.

  • whereami

    Mad..I agree with you. I just don't get it? It's actually scary really. If we as a nation continue to have these homophobic intolerant ideas how can we ever be tolarant of anyone.

    We have to ask, if we don't change what makes us different of the muslim faith? Or any other ass backwards thinking? We like to point at them as being primitive in their way of thinking and treating people, but what about us?

    Exactly Blondie!!! We love to point at the WTS but some of us continue to have these bad habits that don't die off.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    you are all sooooo right! and what really gets me is when I get in trouble for making public displays of affection towards myself!!

  • miseryloveselders

    Light PDA never really bothered me. So what if two people are holding hands, or hugging, or lightly kissing. Now if they go all out tongueing and what not, I don't think its appropriate regardles if they're hetero or homo. Quite frankly the thought of two men slobbing disgusts me, but thats their business. I actually find it more humorous to see two men holding hands or hugged up. If they lightly kiss like many people do, so what. I don't really care.

    I have to say though, I'm not a big fan of breast feeding in public. Not every woman's breast is worthy of exposure. I've seen some ugly boobs in my time.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Baby steps, Miz. Baby steps.

  • mrsjones5

    I have to say though, I'm not a big fan of breast feeding in public. Not every woman's breast is worthy of exposure. I've seen some ugly boobs in my time.

    Babies don't care what a tit looks like as long as it has milk.

  • miseryloveselders

    That prayer article was ridiculous. At my congregation, nobody paid that article any attention. Whole families holding hands, couples hugged up, all of this during the prayer. Often enough during the prayer I close my eyes and try to focus on whats being said so I can either amen in agreement or keep silent as my own personal means of protesting. Couple weeks ago a newer brother who transferred from another congregation did the concluding prayer. He's long winded, and needless to say he will not be asked to do the concluding prayer again. It was like 5 minutes along, and I'm like WTF are you delivering a discourse?!! Anyways, eventually I got sick of standing listening to that drivel, so raised my head and looked around a little bit, and thats when I saw the majority if not all of the families in the audience were embracing in one form or another. That WT article is just another item to include in the long list of encouraged recomendations lacking scriptural support by the WT. Seriously who the hell gets offended over a couple hugged up during the prayer?

    On the boobs end of things, I remember an incident during my high school years. Two girls were going back and forth arguing, and it appeared that it would escalate into a fight. So myself and a bunch of other dudes were hanging around because girl fights come with bonuses when you're in puberty. On one hand, a fight in itself is exciting, and then there's the possibility of seeing some breasteses. For an immature teenage male, thats a double score. They finally started clawing at each other, and every guy's eyes in that hallway were in expectation of the shirts getting pulled up and seeing a bra strap, maybe even a nipple. Classic teenage perverts we were. Then it happened, the one girl got the best of the other one and ripped the shirt and braw off of her opponent, and plop plop, those breasts fell on out. What happened next is something I'll remember until I die at Armageddon. Every guy in the hallway simultaneously cringed because this girl had the ugliest pair of boobs you ever saw. You heard, "ughghg!", "ohhhhh", "she's got some ugly titties!" The girl was embarrased, and from my perspective it was like a black comedy before I even knew there was such a category of films. It was tragic but humorous in a way.

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