Mr. Falcon is going GALT!

by Mr. Falcon 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    It's not about creativity, it is about whether others have a right to use the intellect, talents, and labor of others for their own benefit without giving back a relatively equal return. What Falcon hopes to do to the Borg, which is by far the biggest leech in his life (I can say this without even knowing him), is what John Galt did:

    Withold his efforts from those who would use them and him.

    I'm not a full-blown objectivist but I lean that way.

    I like Six's razor/shaving idea as a way to express incompetence in duties. You may also step on and yank the microphone wire as often as possible, accidentally pull down curtains or poke holes in the wall while cleaning the KH, encourage a slow drip of oil from your car when parked at the KH parking lot, play the wrong song or stop/start the song in the middle by mistake, and other such nuisances.

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger

    I love this book, it sets mans happiness in his own control, without any other authority required!

    Star Tiger

  • FollowedMyHeart

    While reading: "He refused to use his intellectual ability in any way, thereby depriving the world of his "talents." He would only work meaningless and drab odd jobs despite having immense potential," I was wondering how that could have any effect since most JWs don't use their intellectual ability and work meaningless, drab jobs. It would hardly be noticed as a problem. However, when you applied it to the oh-so-holy privileges of the MS, it made more sense.


    "Terry, honey, the topic of this thread is "going Galt", or, as it is known elsewhere, "strategic incompetence". Now, it's really nice of you to offer your literary expertise, but what the man wanted was a way out of MS responsibilities. Whether or not he comprehends the text in the same way you (or anyone else) does is irrelevant. He got the info he was seeking."

    you ARE awesome!

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    What do you all think of this idea?

    I think it is a fantastic idea if you can shelve your care for what other JWs think of you.

    I'd like to say that I am naturally incompetent (it's not bragging if it's true) and that helped me quite a bit in my MS duties. They tried to pawn off the audit responsibility on me. Guess what. I failed miserably and the duty was handed off to someone else. Mission accomplished!

    Do you think it will have any effect?

    It could, with enough suckage.

    Is there anything that anyone would like to add?

    Yes. There were very few folks that I disliked in my cong (and I still care about most of them) but there was one elder who had the balls to ask me via phone call if my wife and I had committed any "inappropriate acts" in the bedroom. If you have such an elder and you know this elder will be involved in cleaning the hall on a particular weekend, I recommend taking a giant dump in urinal and leaving it for him to resolve.

    And most importantly, do you think Mr. Falcon is sexy?

    From one dangerously heterosexual male to another, I think I can confidently say you are the sexiest man I've never met.... who posts on JWN... under the name Mr. Falcon.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    SixofNine - good point. The fact that most minsterial tasks can easily be completed by a blind and armless chimp will make my strategy difficult to execute. I like the razor idea. It will appear as though O.J. Simpson gave me a shave.

    Falcon, you sexy beast

    For this you are being awarded a million hit points and maximum charisma.

    Mad Sweeney - you're right about the leech part. Also, your other ideas have filled me with inspiration. I will implement these at my earliest convience.

    Star tiger - yeah, but Rand could've made it a tad shorter. Just a tad. The copy I read was like 1,089 pages.

    P.S. your screenname kicks ass all over the place.

  • wobble

    Haven't read the whole thread yet, a really great super blow-your -cacks- off Chilli con Carne awaits, i can smell the bloody thing !

    But I wish to concur with PubCults opinion on Mr Falcons "Hotness".

    Also, I tried the being terribly incompetent at looking after various departments thing, it worked, (here was a bloke who had run successful businesses for decades LOL)in the end they only gave me the job of scheduling attendants for the meetings, and as I was "in charge" of this, I got to walk about , and stand at the back for f**k**g YEARS ! And I was in charge of opening the windows ! What POWER !

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    FollowedMyHeart -

    It would hardly be noticed as a problem.

    I have a suspicion that the more incompetant I became the more they would probably praise me. "Ohhh, look how hard Bro. Falcon is struggling! What an example he's setting!" Idiots.

    Cheez - what slappin', homey?!

    My elders hand stuff off to me like it's a privilege but then I find out later that I was like the 3rd person they asked.

    there was one elder who had the balls to ask me via phone call if my wife and I had committed any "inappropriate acts" in the bedroom. If you have such an elder and you know this elder will be involved in cleaning the hall on a particular weekend, I recommend taking a giant dump in urinal and leaving it for him to resolve.

    I'll leave him the "upper decker". I shant describe it with ladies present. My wife and I have committed inappropriate acts in the bedroom. She once made our bed with a sheet set that didn't match the color of our curtains. This was wildly inappropriate.

    Okay, so I have 3 votes for Mr. Falcon's sexiness. Oddly, all three votes were from men.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    wobble -

    they only gave me the job of scheduling attendants for the meetings, and as I was "in charge" of this, I got to walk about , and stand at the back for f**k**g YEARS ! And I was in charge of opening the windows ! What POWER !

    I'm curious. Did you print out the Society's directions on KH window procedure, hold 18,000 meetings about this with all the attendants and then apply certain scriptures to back up your window-related counsel? Because that's what they would do in my Hall.

  • BizzyBee

    One point I really dug was that if don't reward a creative person and just expect him to serve us with is ablity/talent/etc., he/she will fail to have any motivation/reason to create.

    Creative people who are not rewarded? Who are these people? In the arts, business, medicine, etc., the brilliant/creative usually are quite well rewarded. Truly creative people are usually driven to create- you can't stop them. To stop productivity because they think they aren't getting paid enough is absurd - that's not being ideological courageous - that's being a sore head. Ayn Rand was a drama queen and a hack.

    P.S. If every "creative" (or non-creative) person on the planet who subscribes to this platform went "Galt" - no one would notice.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    I'll leave him the "upper decker". I shant describe it with ladies present.

    Yes, yes, we shall not speak of such things here. Especially when an illustration will suffice.

    My wife and I have committed inappropriate acts in the bedroom. She once made our bed with a sheet set that didn't match the color of our curtains. This was wildly inappropriate.

    Holy mother of Todd! I've heard stories about that stuff but had no idea I was conversing with such filthy animals, ya sick freak!

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