Do you appreciate the sacrifices brothers made in 1927 so that we can preach on Sundays?

by miseryloveselders 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    The May 2011 KM has an article on page 2 entitled, "Could You Share in the Ministry on Sundays?"

    1. It was the Sabbath, a day when most Jews in Philippi rested. Paul and his companions were visiting the city during one of their missionary tours. No one would have criticized them for taking a well-deserved rest from their ministry on that day too. They, however, knew that Jews gathered outside the city to pray, so they took advantage of the oppurtunity to preach to them. How happy Paul and his companions must have been when Lydia listened and her entire household got baptized! (Acts 16:13-15) Since many today rest on Sunday, why not use part of this day to preach to them?

    2. The Battle for Sunday Preaching: During 1927, Jehovah's people were encouraged to spend a portion of every Sunday in the ministry. This resulted in immediate opposition. Many were arrested in the United States for violating Sunday Sabbath laws, disturbing the peace, and selling without a license. But Jehovah's people did not give up. In the 1930's, they organized "divisional campaigns," whereby publishers from surrounding congregations would converge to cover a territory. On occasions when publishers were arrested, there were so many of them that the authorities were overwhelmed. Do you appreciate the sacrifices those brothers made so that we can preach on Sunday without harassment?

    3. An Excellent Day to Preach: Many people are home from work on Sunday. They are usually more relaxed. Some churchgoers may be more inclined to talk about God on this day. If we have our meeting on Sunday, we are already dressed as we would be for the ministry, so why not plan field service activity before or after the meeting? If needed, prepare a light meal to take with you.

    4. If we use a portion of Sunday for the ministry, we wil still have time to get the rest that we need. And our rest will be accompanied with the satisfaction that results from engaging in sacred service. (Prov. 19:23) We may even experience the joy of finding someone like Lydia!

    An apostate couldn't make this stuff up. Classic material.

  • sabastious
    Since many today rest on Sunday, why not use part of this day to preach to them?

    Because people love to get preached to when they are resting.


  • Ding

    I must confess that I don't appreciate it at all...

  • sabastious
    But Jehovah's people did not give up. In the 1930's, they organized "divisional campaigns," whereby publishers from surrounding congregations would converge to cover a territory. On occasions when publishers were arrested, there were so many of them that the authorities were overwhelmed. Do you appreciate the sacrifices those brothers made so that we can preach on Sunday without harassment?

    This, to me, describes the dark cloud of cult indoctrination devouring all in it's way whilst ignoring opposition.



  • lovelylil

    This is funny because when my husband and I decided to move our filed service day to Sundays when we were in the org, so that our kids could have one day to sleep in and watch cartoons if they wanted, we got a stern talking to by the elders. We didn't tell them why we were changing the day except that we were already at the hall and dressed up so we thought it would improve our service. But at the time the "brothers' told my husband that more people were out on Saturdays and that he should be out too so that he can "be seen" by the others in the hall. My husband was like "I am not going out in service to show off to others I am doing it for Jehovah".

    Anyway, this thread made me laugh, so I guess now people in the sames shoes we were in WILL be allowed to go out on Sundays and not be chastised. It just goes to show you how the WT keeps changing their minds on things. Peace, Lilly

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    i couldn't tell you that last time that I went out in Sunday service. And I checked my crystal ball* and I don't see myself going out any future Sundays, either.

    *actually a bottle of Thunderbird that I stare into.

  • snakeface

    I was always in favor of going out on Sundays. We were already dressed and at the Hall, we already had our literature bags...I always encouraged others to at least make a return visit or do a few not-at-homes after the meeting. THEN go out to eat. But no one did. Every congregation I was in, even the elders did not support Sunday field service - not even the field service overseer. Except during the CO visit of course.

  • stuckinamovement


    I remeber getting counseled as a MS for not being out on Saturday. The reasoning was the same, " the brothers need to see you out on saturday." It didn't matter if I was out on other days, it only mattered what other people think of your service to Jehovah.

    Sundays suck, Everyone is watching footbal and no one is interested in talking to you.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Do you appreciate the sacrifices those brothers made so that we can preach on Sunday without harassment?

    What about the right of the householder to enjoy the luxury of their own home without harassment?

    Many people are home from work on Sunday. They are usually more relaxed.

    Yes, until some weirdo in a cheap suit shows up trying to shove their religion down your throat.

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    Every once in a while the elders try to promote Sunday service in our hall.

    They assign a MS to get up and announce there will be meeting for service after the Watchtower and to meet in the library.

    It's so funny as all of us elders watched him in the back by himself - even his wife and kids would get a ride home.

    He'd tell us he had some calls to make ... but we knew the only visit he was making was at the donut shop.

    Then it stops after two weeks. Until the circuit overseer shows up. Then all the elders go out on sunday all of the sudden.

    The elders in my hall like to go out 9 to 5, M - F, as they are retired or have night jobs. They still complain at all the people never at home.

    The funny thing is, if they went out on Sunday, they probably would get the most people at home.

    Here's a video of our watchtower conductor trying to get people to go in service after the meeting on Sunday:

    SO - Who wants to go in service on Sunday? Anyone? Anyone?

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