When do you begin counting time?

by pubtruth 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • pubtruth

    For those who were in or still are.. When do/did you begin counting time? As you left for the house group, or after the meeting was over? Did you count the car trip to and from? I know there was some directive in terms of this, can't recall what it specifically said.

    Extra: Did you get hounded to turn your report in, did an elder call your home asking you for your time?

  • simon17

    I used to start when I submitted my first post but now I just go from when I log in...

  • Terry

    When do you begin counting time?

    I begin counting time when the first dinosaur hatched.

  • MrFreeze

    Honestly, I never counted my time. I just put fake numbers in anyway. Gotta pioneer somehow. No way I was getting 70 hours a month.

  • pubtruth
  • man in black
    man in black

    I would start when I got to the hall / book study.

    But as a side point that I just cannot overlook, there was an elder in my old hall who was really anal.

    EX: he would start counting time when he rang the first door, if we took a break he would stop counting at the last door,,,,, take your break then

    start up again when he rang the next doorbell. When he would pioneer he would not get out of the car when the group took a break.

    His motive was to guilt everybody into taking a short break, and get right back out in service.

    My two boys still talk about this guy anytime we talk about bad experiences as a witness.

  • mrsjones5

    Directive? Sounds bOrgish to me.

  • headisspinning

    Well, I am disfellowshipped but I really tried to be honest when I was a publisher...

    I would start counting time when we made the first call. I would take an honest estimation of time off while we were on coffee break. Then I would start up my time again when we left Tim Horton's (or for non-Canadians, the coffee shop).

    I was pretty hardcore about it. For me, honesty is part of my nature and even if I only got 5 hours, I knew they were true and honest hours.

    But... when I was a teenager I was dating a pioneer brother... this is really bad but what we would do is make a local RV to start our time. Then we would get a single buddy to drive us to a remote RV (about 30 to 40 mins away) and we would make out in the back seat the entire time.

    I remember crawling out of the back seat to go on the RV... but geez... I had major whisker burn.. and this is just shameful to relate!

    Then we would drive back home and count the time... making out all the way home!

  • free2beme

    From when I woke up, to when I got home and after I ate my lunch. So a typical morning service before noon was about 5 to 6 hours. If I woke up at 5am due to diaheria, then it was 7 hours by noon.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Headispinning . . . pioneer brothers going out in F/S without shaving? . . . shameful indeed!

    On counting time we were 'pretty honest' . . . Me and pioneer buddy would take turns at taking mid-week groups . . . great when unbaptised pub turned up . . . start time straight away . . . otherwise off to the closest RV if territory wasn't close to hall . . . "bent" the rules to flesh out the hours. (90 was requirement back then)

    Luvonyall - MS

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