Would it be reasonable to say that children born and raised in the organization of JW's are being set up to fail in the real world? If so, why? How?
Are JW Children Set Up To Fail In The Real World?
by PublishingCult 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Of course they are, because they aren't taught to think for themselves or how to interact in the real world. To JW children the world is a terrifying place full of evil people looking to do them harm.
Many JW children who leave, go out on the far end of the spectrum. They get involved in all the stuff that even "worldly" people frown upon as a way of some sort of rebellion from their controlled lives.
Not to mention a lack of college education.
Of course not...
Children, be obedient to your parents in union with [the] Lord, for this is righteous: “Honor your father and [your] mother”; which is the first command with a promise: “That it may go well with you and you may endure a long time on the earth.” Ephesians 6:1-3 -
Spade, you obviously don't know what it takes to succeed in the real world.
lack of education
Spade is lying - again.
First, it is a well known and established fact that a huge percentage of Witness kids 'leave the truth'. This, by itself, pushes them towards failure, as they must cope with the world, often while being shunned by friends and family at a time in their lives when they need support to build a career.
Second, to the extent that Watchtower indoctrination enters their minds, they are trained to expect negative, hopeless outcomes. The world is Devil dominated and corrupt. Everyone they know outside of the congregation will die horribly at Armageddon soon - including well meaning schoolteachers, helpful police, older mentors and that kindly old lady down the street who paid them to do odd jobs. These 'wicked' people are doomed, doomed, doomed because Jehovah is going to kill them all soon. Try maintaining a sense of optimism about the future with such negativity as a continuing backdrop to any effort to build an independent life.
Finally, many closeknit religions make an effort to train, support and cultivate young people in practical skills and career knowledge - such as Mormons and Orthodox Jews. There is little of this among Witnesses, whose cold-hearted leadership proclaims that they are not a "social club".
I can't give much of an opinion here, but from what I saw Jehovah's witness children may even "succeed" in terms of money, but they are invariably forced to give up many opportunities they could perfectly well have taken, and then they have to convince themselves that they did the right thing.
If you encourage a talented "A" student to enroll in an at-home trade school instead of the state university, because she won't be able to study full-time for a professional job and have enough time to pioneer, would that be a set-up for failure? I think so!
Vachi 8 He Is
What Freeze said. A big part of a childs life is acceptance from peers. Sometimes the kid doesn't even want the Spongebob sneakers but because everyone else is.... Couple that with how kids settle differences, namely kick and punch first and the safer alternative is not to stand out much from everyone else. The dub kid has his childhood ripped from him. "You can't celebrate x-mas, you can't play with this toy, you can't go to this place?" To the worldy kid you put a big ass target on your back. Why? Because the worldy kid doesn't want to seem sympathetic to this or risk being ousted themselves even if they don't conscientously understand these yet. It's not because "Oh I have da troof and this iz Satan trying to get me" like the society would have them believe. So the dub kid goes through school years socially stiffled. Just last night my aunt listened to the talk on speaker in the house because she couldnt make it to the meeting. Theocratic ministry school talk went something like this:
HH: "Hey so-and-so, me and the girls are going to the club later, you wanna come"
JW: "No I'd better not, I made a commitment to follow jesus' example here at X scripture...."
And I'm sitting there like WTF! The society would have you believe that it's the DUBS fault for going if something happens, girl or guy, bottomline. Or in a sense, "thats what you get for leaving the box". Meanwhile this is a slippery slope tech used to instill fear. While it is possible that you may get into some kind of trouble at the club it IS NOT a guarantee. There is a better chance of you going to said club, having a nice time with friends, and coming home. You have to have the look though. The look like you belong there, not a look like you just cut one louder than you thought it would be. And this comes from doing what? Socalizing. There may be wolves in sheeps clothing but there's no reason why it can't be the other way around.