Sitting on the fence

by INDYpendent 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Este

    How long do I have to keep "living a lie"? How can I reason with the wife and kids? Am I doomed to sit here on the fence forever, or is there a way to take them all with me to the other side?

    Just be a kind person to all present, especially to your family. No other religion (belief) will bring you closer to what is actually true the other faiths in the West are completely lost. Just wait a bit and you will see that the end is here a little more patience is all you need and the wicked one will be no more. However the time has been cut short so do not be surprised if Christ is taking over as we speak.

    Estephan (the faithful slave)

  • headisspinning

    I agree. Report your suspicions to the authorities. Skip the elders. In Canada, we're told to report even suspected abuse, and like Jamie said, I'm quite sure you can do it anonymously. Just get it off your conscience.

    I don't have any real advice in regard to your other question because I've never been in a situation like yours. All I can say is be subtle and really take your time. That's what I'm trying to do in my own situation.

    Stick around... you will get some really great support here.

  • Este

    I agree. Report your suspicions to the authorities. Skip the elders. In Canada, we're told to report even suspected abuse, and like Jamie said, I'm quite sure you can do it anonymously. Just get it off your conscience.

    Don't be so quick to judge, so many people are out looking for something to complain about. Love and compassion should never be put by the wasteside for fear of what other people might the children and watch over them.


  • headisspinning

    Hey, I am not judging but I am all for staying alert when it comes to the protection of children. I would much rather err on the side of caution. My love and compassion goes towards kids first. Sorry.

  • Este

    Hey, I am not judging but I am all for staying alert when it comes to the protection of children. I would much rather err on the side of caution. My love and compassion goes towards kids first. Sorry.

    I agree with you in part, and no need to apologize. However, never bring an accusation out in the open until you can prove what it is you are suggesting about someone. It causes a lot of pain to an innocent one. Always act in truth and never out of emotion.


  • headisspinning

    I babysat a little boy who was maybe two years old. When I was changing his diaper I noticed a lot of bruises on his legs. I also noticed that he was really not himself that day. I asked him what happened - "Zacky, how did you get these ouchies?"... He said: "Zacky's mommy did it."

    It was just horrible and I didn't know what to do. Finally, I decided to just go to his mom and be straight with her. I didn't accuse her. I just told her the story exactly like I told you.

    She flat out up and down denied anything had happened... And never called me again to babysit.

    That has bothered me for years and years because what I should have done is reported it. The way I handled it was much too gentle and I hate to think what happened to that little boy.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    You sound like Ted Jaracz, Este, and that's no compliment.

    ALWAYS report SUSPECTED child abuse and let the authorities who's JOB IT IS do the investigation. A grown man who is innocent should be man enough to endure a little questioning for the sake of the children.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I've seen him at the KH holding a little retarted boy and rubbing and carressing him in places that his hands should never have been.)

    I don't see that you have any option other than reporting this to the police. Now you are aware of it, it is your responsibility to protect that child.

    And as for telling the elders???? Got two witnesses? then why bother? And what do you think they will do with that information anyway?

    Let the police deal with it. I would say that If the police can't get anyone else to say they have seen anything or find evidence then their hands will be tied too. This is how pedo's get away with this. But at least he will know that someone is onto him. And you never know, someone else may have already reported something to the police and your call may be all they need to chase it up further.

    As far as your family goes, only you can make the call of what you are willing to live with and time will tell. If you get to the stage that you can no longer tolerate it. You won't need to ask anyone what to do, You will just have an incredible urge to act on your feelings. So don't be too hard on yourself by feeling that you have to make decisions right now. If you're going to make a decision you will make it when you're ready.

  • Was New Boy
    Was New Boy


    Cowardice asks the question......... is it safe ?

    Expediency asks the querstion...... is it politic?

    Vanity asks the question............... is it popular?

    But conscience asks the question ......Is it right?

    and there comes a time when one must take a position that is niether safe, nor politic, nor popular: but one must take it because it is right.

    Dr. Martin Luther King jr

    You must make the decision yourself. But do you really want to pass this bull shit on to your kids?...I did the same thing your doing now... for many years. Now me and my kids are out and very happy. I wish you the best my friend.

  • jamiebowers
    You sound like Ted Jaracz, Este, and that's no compliment.
    ALWAYS report SUSPECTED child abuse and let the authorities who's JOB IT IS do the investigation. A grown man who is innocent should be man enough to endure a little questioning for the sake of the children.

    Exactly right!

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