I did my term paper on the historical Jesus and the scholarship started around the late 1800s and picked up in the 1920s. When I was in college, no prof gave me a bibliography for research. This rule was broken for New Testament. Bible literacy is very low. I don't understand why b/c most educated Jews no the Bible better than Christians for literary, art, and cultural reasons.
The Gnostic gospels were hidden in the desert. I was surprised of the recent finds of Gnostic gospels. It seems as we travel ahead, we find more ancient manuscripts. Archaeology may play a role.
I am a good example. Before the Internet, the only time I found organized JW dissidents was on the Regis Philbin show when it was local NY and he had more character driven pieces than today. The New York Times reporter covering them put me in touch. I had a short phone conversation and that was that. A few months ago I clicked on a link within a link in wikipedia and landed here. Voila.
Besides the Internet, the DaVinci Code and other works shows the great popularity of information about Bible history. It seems the History Channel specializes in this matter. I purchased Gnostics for Dummies, unbelieveable when I first exposed in the 1970s.
People are astounded when I repeat what I have read. I send people to do their own research on their favorite areas. We don't need a major university library to find these documents. They are no longer the preserve of the elite. I still feel you need advanced study to place them in context but regular people can easily read them.
Once you read the Gnostics or the Last Temptation of Christ, you might read the canonical Bible for the first time.