until the (state) elections on the 5th, i will do about 2.5 hourscanvassing a day, so that is 10 hrs, then on the 6th i have
a board meeting with the PFLAG chapter, so that is 2 more,
bringing me up to 12, then i have an opportunity to present
a program at our food co-op, split into a 4 hour stintin the
actual store one week and a 90 minutepresentation the
next week at the local library so that is 17.5 hours... i will
spend part of next weekend helping my BFF's mother while
my friend is out of town, including meal prep, so that'll be
4-6hrs so that is about 22-23.... then there is the PFLAG
chapter meeting and that is easy 3+,when you count the
set-up/take-down time so that is looking like about 25+
yeah, i can make 30 without breakin' a sweat....
so YEAH, i'm in!