Archaeologists discover saber-toothed vegetarian

by VM44 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • VM44

    Archaeologists discover saber-toothed vegetarian

    By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, AP Science Writer Randolph E. Schmid, Ap Science Writer – Thu Mar 24, 7:04 pm ET

    WASHINGTON – Surprised scientists have discovered the remains of a saber-toothed vegetarian. The leaf-crunching animal — about the size of a large dog — lived 260 million years ago in what is now Brazil, researchers report in Friday's edition of the journal Science. Its upper canine teeth were nearly 5 inches long.

    Such large teeth are more often the mark of a meat-eating animal, used to capture and kill prey.

    The enormous canines were likely used by the plant-eating animals to fight each other or protect against predators, said research leader Juan Carlos Cisneros of the University of Piaui in northeastern Brazil.

    For example, they might have fought for territory, resources or females, like the modern musk deer, which also have a pair of large, tusklike teeth, he said via email.

    "These situations are extremely important for the survival of an individual and the success of a species," he said. Discovering animals like this "shows us how nature is extremely creative in providing solutions for several life tasks."

    In addition to its saber shaped fangs, the newly discovered animal named Tiarajudens eccentricus (tee-AH-ruh-HOO-denz ek-SIN-trik-us) had rows of teeth on the roof of its mouth for chewing, the researchers said. The lower jaw was incomplete, but they expect it would have had similar rows of teeth.

    Tiarajudens was part of a group of animals known as anomodonts, sometimes called "mammal-like reptiles" and a major plant eater of their time.

    The discovery provides novel insights into early tooth differences in these ancient animals and the evolution of plant eating and its complex social interactions, commented Joerg Froebisch of Humboldt University in Berlin, who was not part of Cisneros' research team.

    The evolution of saber teeth is exceedingly uncommon in plant-eating animals, said Froebisch, calling the canines in the Brazilian anomodont "extraordinary."

    He said the animal seems to belong to a new, unusual group of anomodonts that lived on the ancient southern supercontinent now called Gondwana. Before drift formed the present continents, Gondwana included what is now Antarctica, South America, Africa, Madagascar and Australia.

  • sir82

    Oh Lord spare us.

    Awake's "Watching the World" will be all over this.

    Here's the quote they will use:

    " Surprised scientists have discovered the remains of a saber-toothed vegetarian. The leaf-crunching animal['s]... upper canine teeth were nearly 5 inches long..... Discovering animals like this 'shows us how nature is extremely creative in providing solutions for several life tasks'...."

    To be followed by a hyperventilating, self-congratulatory blurb about how the 1960-whatever Watchtower that speculated about T-Rexes using their fangs to shred open coconuts was spot on and how "wise and discreet our loving creator is".

  • NomadSoul

    Oh shit, come on AP! Who the hell is your editor? They do not give solid information on why this animal is vegetarian, I mean herbivore, not vegetarian! Come on!

    Just by reading the information it seems like this animal was an omnivore and not a herbivore! Am I missing something?

  • james_woods
    Oh shit, come on AP! Who the hell is your editor? They do not give solid information on why this animal is vegetarian, I mean herbivore, not vegetarian! Come on!
    Just by reading the information it seems like this animal was an omnivore and not a herbivore! Am I missing something?

    I read it twice and saw no statement of evidence that is was a plant eater, either. BTW - this may not be of much use to the Watchtower, as the author claims the use of the tusks was "to fight one another" - something that should not have been happening in Eden.

  • NomadSoul

    I think it's just a bad article. Here's another article that gives more information on why they believed it ate plants.

    Basically what they're saying is that the tusks are the ONLY canine teeth that they have. Which okay that makes it interesting, unless of course the other half of the jaw proves otherwise.

  • Mary

    Refresh my memory: does the Borg teach that animals were all vegetarians after Adam & Eve sinned, or after The Flood?

  • james_woods
    Refresh my memory: does the Borg teach that animals were all vegetarians after Adam & Eve sinned, or after The Flood?

    Well, God is supposed to have killed some when Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden (they were given animal skins for clothes). However, I have heard JWs claim that they "evidently" were vegetarians on the Ark or else they would have eaten each other. Not sure they have one clear teaching on this.

  • sir82
    does the Borg teach that animals were all vegetarians after Adam & Eve sinned, or after The Flood?

    Officially, the doctrine is that all animals were herbivores prior to the flood.

    It's another one of those doctrines that has never been rescinded, but is not actively taught any more. Just like the 7000 year long creative days.

    Most old-timer JWs still believe it, just like most over the age of 60 or so still believe in the 7000 year creative days.

    Find an old enough JW, and they'll still be dead set against vaccines and aluminum cookware.

  • Larsinger58


    It appears that there were some meat-eating dinosaurs until they became extinct prior to the creation of Adam and Eve. But after that, all animals an man were vegetarians. After the flood, though, meat-eating was allowed by both man and in nature. But apparently meat-eating animals will return to being vegetarian once the millennium begins.


    So with Armageddon so close now, if you like meat, now is the time to enjoy it because after the millennium starts, meat eating will be out. We will all be vegetarians, including the animals.

    You can do a lot with beans though. I love bean tacos. I wonder if we will drink milk or eat eggs? Hard to imagine a diet without milk or eggs, but we shall see!

    Of couse, the 350 million year reference is just blind speculation and should be ignored. When each day is 7000 years long the maximal age of any animals would be 21-28,000 years max.

  • Highlander

    Find an old enough JW, and they'll still be dead set against vaccines

    Here in Southern california, I know some witnesses in their 30s and 40s that are dead set against all vaccines. Their children have not received even one vaccine shot in their young lives. I'm not sure how their kids are allowed into the school system. I believe they can use their religious beliefs as a way to circumvent the vaccine requirements.

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