Large and loving? Who the fuck are they kidding?? I've never met anyone in the world that is more hateful and judgmental than a witness!
And Large? 7 million members is NOT large! It's only .1% of the world's population!! FFS!
by Joliette 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Large and loving? Who the fuck are they kidding?? I've never met anyone in the world that is more hateful and judgmental than a witness!
And Large? 7 million members is NOT large! It's only .1% of the world's population!! FFS!
Because "worldly" people don't judge you based on your service time or meeting attendance. And I don't fit in any of the cliques in the worldwide organiziation.
The only reason to associate with the world is to have something to eat, shelter, medical care and education and possibly for a bit of entertainment.
OMG lol @ all of your comments.
They were having a daily text discussion on facebook, and this sister actually posted said something along the lines of the post that I wrote. I'm like, yeah, you only have the 'worldy people' to thank for you having a job, a house, a car, etc.
Man, pure ignorance.
Associating with "worldly" people, (my co-workers and law enforcement) is what protected me from my abusive jw husband and got me out of a dangerous marriage. Nothing or no one in this "loving" organization did that for me.
^Jamie: Wow, so many EX-JW's stories that I've read, and its crazy. I thought it was such a 'loving' organization.
The unity is a fake. You might not see blatant racism, but it is there. And yes, the unity is created by the threat of destruction for anyone that questions the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger running it.
Love? They love it when you give them things--but they will never return the favor by doing anything nice. Compare: In the apartment complex, I have a common area with 6 apartments connected. I decorated this common area for Halloween, Christmas, and Easter without expecting anything in exchange. People like seeing it decorated, with the holiday themes of ghosts, jack o'lanterns, and bats (using purple, orange, and warm white LEDs) for Halloween. They like Christmas decorations with various colored and clear lights in designated areas along with tinsel garland, bulb ornaments at strategic points, wreaths, and large ornaments at various points--and even a miniature New York City-style display in the basement. And the pastel lights, eggs, rabbits, and jumbo paper eggs for Easter.
Of course, the witlesses would have a fit on seeing this. However, people living there appreciate seeing this. And, regardless of hyperinflation, this stuff will come back next year and in subsequent years. The possibility is that people will enjoy them so much that someone that wants to steal my silver will see the traffic (dogs and all) and decide that it is not worth getting a ride in the paddy wagon--or possibly shot--something the witlesses would never do. And I feel I made a bigger contribution to the atmosphere of the local part of the complex with my Christmas decorations than anything I ever did as a witless.
As for things I received while a witless, most of them were crap. These things included numerous knick knacks that were dorky, a toaster that was a fire and burn hazard (the $250 one I have now runs cooler but still does the job nicely), a coat rack that defied two attempts to fix, and crap pots and pans. They wanted merely to unload things that were either worthless, near the end of their life, or both--and boast about how "generous" they were to others to exalt themselves. And they wanted to pry into what videos and music I had in my collection. Loving--hardly.
Its a myth that Jehovah's Witnesses compose a loving and caring organization.
One only has to experience the petty and vindictive atmosphere of a Kingdom
Hall to realize how superficial the entire organization is. Frequently, if a
"brother" or "sister" comes under the scrutiny of the elders the gossipers
spread the word and the members turn a cold shoulder toward the
suspect. When a member is disfellowshipped or disassociated the
entire congregation shuns the offender even if that member was
an old friend or close relative. It's hardly what one would expect from
a Christian organization!
Did you say "loving oranization"?
Biography: 52 years as a J.W.,born in 1949 in Azusa Calif, raised in Glendora Calif. My father was DFed in 1961 for not going to the Kingdom Hall he was assigned to, by 3 brothers who later all left or got kicked out of the borg too! Pioneered in Salina Kansas 1968-1970. Was at N.Y. Bethel 1970-1974. Married in March 1974-July 2001,My Wife left me after a 27 years of marriage, because I no longer wanted to be a Jehovah Witness. Lost my sister, 99% of all my friends, and could have lost my 2 children, but they were treated so badly, because I left, that my children left the loveless organization too. We all are doing fine now. Now my ex-wife will have nothing to do with me and little to do with her kids, or her grand children. She turned her back on her own father who was Dfed in 1958! He later blew his brains out, because his 2 children (my exwife)would have nothing to do with him, plus he was not allowed to see his only grand children {my children}! and why? The only thing he was doing wrong was smoking. My father could see me and my children even though he had not been a J.W. for 40 years and he was smoking too! The only difference is, he knew it was all bullshit, got reinstated back in 1965 and faded. It is absolutly amazing what you can get people to believe in! By their love you will recognize them-------Isn't that the truth!
The unity is a fake.
Worse. It is Borganizationally forced conformity. There is a HUGE difference between unity and conformity at their core.