looking at some of his responses to comments on his videos on youtube i think he is rude, and condecending, not unlike the JW's he defends. if he IS trying to defend the majority of the doctrine why do it from outside the org?
what are your opinions of ewatchman.com
by Evidently Apostate 14 Replies latest jw friends
He got booted from the org because he disagreed with very few doctrines. Go Figure!
I like the guy, he responded to some of my videos on youtube. I think he feels he's a great apologist but when it comes down to it he's still rather typical. Still I can't say enough good things about what a cool guy he is in my opinion.
It's a while since I read his stuff. He gave some valuable info on the UN shenanigans, but otherwise he sets off my cult-o-meter. And I could never get how he had the chutzpah to disparage Ray Franz when he himself was (by WTS standards) a fellow apostate.
Whacko. Nutjob.
i think he is rude, and condecending, not unlike the JW's he defends.
Sounds like he hasn't changed much since he used to post on this board as "You Know," years ago.
Justitia Themis
he is rude, and condecending
He and 6-Screens Rick are both trying to start their own x-JW cults and jealous they don't have 7M followers, IMHO. They don't seem to understand that Russell was around at a time in US history when starting a new religion was a viable option, if you had the personality and the money. Then Rutherford got lucky and ended up president of the corporation so his splinter group got to retain the buildings and presses to promote his sect. Then some fancy marketing from the next couple of presidents, but they had a sound base to start with. All in all, it took 100 years and a lot of things had to be just right for it to get where it is today.
Plus, neither of them has anything revolutionary. They're not telling us anything we don't already know - obviously, since we're here, we've taken the blinders off. Rick is a caricature of an apostate with his tabloid-quality fact checking and eager bedfellows with anyone who hates JWs for any reason, real or imagined. e-Watchman is just a guy who wishes he was the GB so people would listen to his personal take on everything. Between the two of them, they could be the fds and the writing committee, for the quality of what they offer. Perhaps they should join forces. They'd be barely discernible from the JWs we already know.
They each have their little following of sycophants who are just tiny off-shoots of JW rejects. I guess if preaching to some glazed-eyed choir does it for you, they've got what they're looking for.
In 2004 I came across him on my way out. I was super impressed at first and happy to be part of his group. The more I was there the more I realized that in reality he was fairly arrogant and imperious.
He "disfellowshipped" a large group of us from his forum because of our anti-WT views. Go figure. He was the leader of the pack, but only wanted his negative views to be known.
I bought his book and read quite a bit of it. Just more WT tripe in a different package.
I finally figured out that his only claim to fame was being a "partaker" (anointed) about the same as the Witnesses holding on to 1914. If you give up on that date, there is no modern day organization of Jehovah. If he gave up entirely on the orgnization, he would lose his standing as the modern day Ezekiel who was in charge of bringing the organization back to Jehovah.
Really and truly a load of garbage.
Anyway, that is who Robert King is to me. Mentally ill and a cult leader.
Well if he is really the same as YouKnow was, he was the coldest, most heartless a$%hole I've ever read. He made Knorr look nice. Never have I seen anyone so cruel and heartless in his reponses.