First time ever - I attended my first Catholic Mass tonight...

by ziddina 69 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ziddina

    It was very interesting...

    Of course, the first thing I noticed was the building. VERY different from a "Kingdom Hall" - this Catholic Church is in an extremely modern, six-sided building. As one enters the building, their "holy water" font - fountain(???) is an exquisite three-piece modernistic piece wherein the water flows from three squarish structures into one slightly rectangular pool - all made from granite, far as I could tell. There was a flat-screen TV on the wall in the lobby listing the names of church members who were sick, and asking the church members to pray for these people.

    Oh, and there were receptacles of "holy" water by the doors as one entered or exited - my Catholic friend used some of it to make the sign of the cross on herself, if I remember correctly.

    When one enters the main assembly area, one is supposed to maintain a respectful silence - though the lovely Catholic lady that I went with was giving me a running commentary on the building, beliefs and customs until I mentioned to her that we could talk after the service...

    The interior of the church maintained the six-sided motif, with all six sides sweeping upwards to a central point about 40+ feet over our heads - and the entire ceiling was paneled with wood - I think it was knotty pine, but whatever it was, it was beautiful.

    There were modernistic stained-glass windows on the far ends of the stage, upon which were placed a simple rectangular altar (appeared to be granite or limestone), a small square table behind the altar with an icon of Jesus upon it, and a wooden podium which was used later during the service for bible readings. There were two "special" chairs upon the stage, with one in particular specially decorated, in which the priest sat between his parts during the sermon/Mass. Then there were several tasteful cloth-and-wooden chairs set behind the altar and the icon of Jesus.

    There was an overwhelming bronze (?) sculpture of Jesus dying on the cross, on the wall central between the altar and the "orchestra" area, and two other sculptures which appeared to be either plaster or perhaps resin?? Full-sized sculptures, one of Mary in a pose of benediction and another of Jesus shepherding a small child. Both were painted somewhat realistically, being predominantly white with lots of gilt paint on their robes.

    Towards the back of the seating areas - tiers, I guess one might call that area, because the wooden pews were set into the floor in a descending fashion, allowing everyone a clear view of the stage/altar - anyway, towards the back of the pews, there were chairs set up for the elderly and infirm, and several people in wheelchairs were seated in that area, also.

    Despite the request for respectful silence, there was a soft murmuring from the crowd until the mass/service started. About 5 minutes before it started, two cloth "movie" screens descended discretely from the ceiling area, and a slide show made announcements regarding Lent, Stations of the Cross, a rummage sale or two, and donations for the Catholic relief effort going on in Japan.

    At the beginning of the actual service/mass, a young man carried a golden pole with another icon of Jesus on the cross up to the stage and placed it into a golden base. Then an opening song was sung, and apparently it was so well known that everyone (except me) knew the words by heart. Then several very cute children (who were dressed in their street clothes underneath; I saw several pairs of tennis/sports shoes, but none of the ones that flash or have rollers on them) carried candles up to the altar and sat down in the wooden chairs after depositing the candles on the altar.

    Then the priest led the church members in prayer. Then a scripture was read by a lay-person - from the wooden podium. Then the priest spoke a bit more, though he didn't attempt to make any interpretation or explanation of the scripture read - from Exodus, if I remember correctly, about Moses striking the rock with his rod and bringing forth water when the Israelites were complaining of thirst.

    Then we knelt - and I must say, I do appreciate that the pews had special "kneeling" pads attached to them. Much more comfortable than kneeling on the floor would have been.

    This pattern was repeated several times - prayers were said, we knelt - or stood - and scripture were read - something from Romans which I can't specifically remember right now, and something from the book of John about Jesus at the well and the Samaritan woman. The priest did use this scripture as the basis for a brief, but interesting sermon on the differences and origins of the Samaritans (the Jehovah's Witnesses have a similar talk, I remember...) and how Jesus offered life-giving water to her, and how the people of her town responded to Jesus' preaching.

    Somewhere in the various scriptures and prayers, the priest threw in something about materialism, but it wasn't in a scolding manner or over-the-top. No comments were made against college or working to better oneself...

    Another difference I noticed was in the way that the infants and small children were treated. None were dragged outside for a spanking; no yowls of pain echoed through the church. The parents with noisy children - and the noises were generally of happy children, by the way - seemed to just pick them up and hold them or rock them, as far as I could tell - one couple with a small child were seated two rows in front of me, and their response to their child's noises was VERY different from those I've observed among Jehovah's Witnesses - there was no "guilt" because the child was making noise, no rush to stifle the child; the mother simply picked the child up and soothed it upon her shoulder.

    Also, when time came to partake of "the Host", there were no differences between the different people of the church - other than the difference between the priest and the laity. In fact, the ceremony was very different from Jehovah's Witnesses in that the priest blessed the emblems, partook of the emblems, and then passed the emblems on to a middle-aged blonde woman. She, in turn, placed the wafers on the tongues of about 20 other people - men, women, youths , and then the others took the emblems from her [there were several bowls of wafers and 20 or so goblets of wine...] and passed them out to all other members of the church who wished to partake of them.

    VERY different from the Jehovah's Witnesses, where women aren't even allowed to handle the microphone...

    Oh, and just for a moment there, as the priest blessed the emblems, I was reminded of the ancient worship of the Corn King, Ceres, Dionysus, and other agricultural gods upon which humanity relied for its existence...

    When the people got up to partake of the emblems, just for fun I counted the number of teenagers in the group. There were over 30 teenagers in the crowd, of which I did a rough count and came up with around 300 people.

    All in all, it was a very interesting and enlightening experience.

    Oh, and... For those of you not familiar with my background, I was "raised" as a Jehovah's Witness from the age of 5 when my parents converted. I was bullied into the religion; practiced it halfheartedly, tried to do things their way until I realized - in my early 30's - that they couldn't beat me into it anymore. I left - DA'd - and am now an atheist with a fascination with the oldest form of worship known to humanity - goddess worship...

    For my next religious experiment, I might attend a Baptist church - my Wiccan friend from the Bible Belt tells me that Baptists - especially Southern Baptists - would have a very interesting reaction to an ex-Jehovah's Witness...


  • shamus100

    Not as bad as you thought, eh? I felt the same way. :)

  • ziddina

    Hi, Shamus!

    Nah, I wasn't expecting it to be "bad", at all...

    Though the part where they turn to their neighbor during the service and say "Peace to you" and start hugging, had me hiding under the pew and ducking for cover...

  • shamus100

    Aw, it isn't that bad.... ;) It's far better than a kingdumb hall and the "Dark days are here" type bullshit music playing.

  • wasblind

    Hey Zid,

    I already have a cross, next time you go, bring me some of that holy water

    when the JW's come to my door again, I'll hold up the cross, and sling

    some of that holy water at 'em. They won't come to my door again, not

    because of the cross and holy water, but because they'll think my ass is crazy

  • shamus100

    Tap water, holy water, what's the diff? Just put it in an expensive bottle, pray to the FSM and away you go. :D

  • GLTirebiter

    See Zid, we don't bite!

    Though the part where they turn to their neighbor during the service and say "Peace to you" and start hugging, had me hiding under the pew and ducking for cover...

    You should have used my mother's trick. When that part was coming up, she would cough loudly, covering her mouth with the palm of her right hand. No embarrassing hugging, no unwanted handshakes!

  • bsmart

    Catholic Mass is simular to the wittnesses in that the same scriptures are read on the same days. You can google them for your daily text if you like. We went to Mass tonight and heard those same readings.

    Shamus, you are on a roll tonight!

  • WhatWasIThinking

    You are supposed to dip your fingers in the holy water and do the sign of the cross when you enter and leave the building. Those boys that sit up by the altar and help the priest are altar boys. Babies are baptised soon after birth so they can go to heaven instead of purgatory when they die. Baptism usually just involves putting some holy water on the head. I have seen churches with what looks like a spa with stairs so I guess some older people who convert are baptisd by immersion, but I've never seen it.

    After baptism you receive your first confession. They do it when they are children, but I can't remember the age. When you confess your sins you sit or kneel in a dark room and talk to a priest through a window, and neither person can see the other. It's anonymous unless the priest happens to know you and recognizes your voice. Even if he does, he will not mention it to you or the congregation. The priest will give you your penance which can range from saying so many prayers to making amends for what you've done. There is no punishment or DF'ing for confessing your sins and I feel that it is a much more loving arrangement that encourages people to confess rather than discourages them due to fear of losing their family or friends over a mistake. The only stipulation is that you are supposed to complete your penance before you receive the eucharist (body/blood of Christ) again. There is no set amount of time you are supposed to wait between confessions. You could go everyday or go once every few decades.

    After your first confession you receive your first communion, which is when you are allowed to start partaking of the bread and wine during mass. Again I don't remember the age but it's early teens or slightly before, maybe around the 6th grade or so. All Catholics that have gone through first communion and are not still completing a penance are allowed to participate as much as they want. Some people go to mass everyday and partake of the bread and wine everyday.

    Other things of the Catholic church. Ash Wednesday which marks the start of lent. People go to mass and get ashes put on their head. Lent which is the 46 days leading up to Easter Sunday. You are supposed to give up something during lent, something that you enjoy so that it is a sacrifice. You aren't supposed to eat meat (fish is ok) on ash Wednesday or any Friday during lent. Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter and when they had out palm leaves to the congregation to commemorate Jesus's return to Jerusalem before his death. Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday, commemorating Jesus's death. Stations of the cross where the priest walks around the church and mentions each station with a scripture is done on Fridays during lent, but some churches only do it on Good Friday. Easter celebrating Jesus' resurrection.

    Advent that starts on the 4th Sunday before Christmas to help you prepare for the celebration of Jesus's birth. Nativity scenes and Christmas trees are commonly seen inside and outside of churches. There is almost always a midnight mass held at 12:00 AM on Christmas day to celebrate the birth of Jesus. There are also masses held throughout the day.

    Catholics encourage higher education. Many of the Catholic high schools are competitive college prep schools offering many honors and AP courses, a variety of freshman, junior varsity, and varsity sports teams, and a fine arts and performing arts department. The high school I attended recently built a new, state of the art campus to replace the original 56 year old campus. I just looked at their stats for last year and they had 100% graduation with 96% of graduating seniors going straight into college. A far cry from most public schools and a huge difference from the JWs as far as college bound students go.

    That's all I can remember off the top of my head. I haven't been in a Catholic church except for weddings and funerals in over a decade.

  • WhatWasIThinking

    I forgot to mention that even though I'm an atheist now, if I had kids I would definitely look at sending them to a Catholic or other private school. When they entered high school I would want them to go to a college prep school. Even if they decided they didn't want to go to college, I think the basic education they received vs an overcrowded public school would be worth it.

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