by PublishingCult 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PublishingCult

    Today, there's a lot of awesome xJW's with youtube channels and websites, and discussion boards, dedicated to helping others successfully get free from the Cult of the Publishing Corporation. These folks have done wonderful work and make up a vast apostate army to take on the WTS and their lies, and, they do so with integrity, and respect for truth. If you are going to point your finger and call the WTBTS liars, if you are going to put yourself on the line and take up the mantle of exposing those lies, and offer criticism, you should do so from the moral high ground of integrity and truthfulness.

    And then there are "apostates" like Rick Fearon . . . well, actually there is just Rick Fearon, who fits precisely and perfectly into the stereotypical mold of the two-faced, disingenuous, half-truth-telling apostate the WTBTS warns Jehovah's Witnesses about. If Fearon is not the WT Society's version of COINTELPRO, then he is unwittingly doing the work of the WTBTS. It would only take the quick and easy detection of a lie or a half-truth to have confirmed for the doubting or curious JW that what the WT Society says about apostates is true, and send them running, instead, back to the organization.

    Below is Part I of LIES, DAMN LIES, AND APOSTATES. After getting a load of what Mr. Fearon is all about, I felt as though I needed to talk about it. In Part II, I have a very special message for Mr. Fearon, and I will try and get it finished and uploaded sometime today.

  • pubtruth

    I love this, awesome job.. Can't wait to see Part 2! Keep it up!

  • baltar447

    haha! Good video. This guy is a massive attention whore and he needs to be exposed for his bullsheat.

  • thetrueone

    Rick Feron has lost credibility and respect by many who left the WTS. so your not alone

    on your thoughts about this fellow.

    He overtly over sensationalizes topics to intensionally darked the image of the JWS, in doing so

    he grays his own personal integrity in the process.

    This might as well come about by his creation of his web site, to attract viewers, a probable cause.

    Unfortunately his way of doing so has made ex-jws look a bit stupid and intellectually invalid .

  • baltar447

    OMG, the people on the conference call sound so nutty they need to be committed! Sounds like an insane asylum!

  • poopsiecakes

    Good job, PC. This guy is the epitome of the big bad wolf to JW's - huffing and puffing while they sit in their brick house safe and secure. Meanwhile, those who are true thinkers and can logically explain why the WT is a load of bunk are drowned out and lumped in with the big bad wolf. This type of inaccurate sensationalism does more harm than good at the end of the day. Thank goodness for and

  • Morbidzbaby

    When I first started looking for info about the WTBS, I did come across the Six Screens website and it really turned me off. The dark and ominous look is NOT how you are going to reach a JW who is searching for TRUTH. Neither is telling half-truths or posting phone calls you made to the Society to harrass them. That really made me shake my head and question whether it was ALL like that... So I'm glad I found freeminds and other sites that take a more factual and loving approach. The Society has a "mold" that they squeeze all apostates into. They are ALL liars, deceivers, and will try to trap you by using twisted reasoning. Rick lives up to that stereotype. He fits the mold. And if one were to come upon his site FIRST, they would likely conclude the WBTS is right about apostates.

    Let's face it, we all hate that we were duped by the WTBS. We'd all love to see it go away and become just a blurb on the page in history...but blatant lying, stretching things to fit your agenda, and harrassment are NOT the ways to accomplish that and they certainly won't win you any points with those who are trying to learn what the real truth is. Someone who is exiting could very well be scared right back into the Kingdom Hall by seeing the actions of foaming rabid apostates like this one.

    Great job on this, PublishingCult... I'm looking forward to part 2!

  • Tuesday

    When I started my youtube channel I set out specifically to not be that apostate character you heard so much about in the Watchtower. I specifically tried to be non-confrontational, I specifically set out to not make any conclusions in my videos and simply ask questions. Though if you show a Jehovah's Witness my videos the whole Tough Questions thing and show them Rick's website or videos and then asked them which is a worse apostate they would probably say we're equal. Some might even say I'm worse because I put on a front of being nice (even though I have no front in my videos) while I'm really an evil apostate. It's one of those things, regardless of how you speak out you're going to be demonized for doing so. I'm of the mind the more voices speaking out the better, there is a good argument though of someone doing more harm than good.


    Good Morning Tuesday..

    The difference between you and Six Screens is..

    Your Credibility isn't Tarnished..

    Rick sets Fire to his Every Week..

    Then Pee`s on the Ashes..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • Tuesday

    I am who I am Outlaw. There's no need to hide anything I think, also what's the point of telling half-truths when you're an atheist? The whole truth is just so much more fun to give LOL.


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