It's good to have known you.
by pirata 20 Replies latest jw friends
It's good to have known you.
are you saying, so long and thanks for all the fish? lol
Vamp, I like that song.
be back soon!
good wishes and luck and all that jazz :)
The rule is you can't check out till you have 1200 posts....
As they say "You can check out but you can never leave"..
My very best to you, Pirata, with hopes that you will continue on your journey. In parting, I will quote Virgil: "Et quacamque viam fortuna dederit, sequamur." That means, "And whatsoever road fortune should give, let us follow."
Well that didn't last very long. I miss this place too much.
Thanks to all for your warm sendoffs!
Hey there Pirata,
it was long enough, welcome back
Nobody can say goodbye, then return, without getting a shellacking! This is yours...
Making a goodbye thread is an almost surefire way to guarantee one's swift return
Glad you're back, Pirata. I really enjoy your avatar. Also your input.